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Amarok start error and slowness

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    Amarok start error and slowness

    When I start Amarok, two things happen:
    1) An error comes up "Cannot talk to KLauncher"
    2) A small window with distorted pixels and the Amarok Logo shows up, I think it's supposed to be the mini window with play/pause etc buttons, i just have to close it.

    While running Amarok, trying to "skip to next track" the window always goes dark for a moment, and the change takes a few seconds to take place. Doing anything in the playlist seems to be quite slow as well.

    How can I fix these issues?

    Re: Amarok start error and slowness


    I don't know about points 1, 2 but as for the slowness follow this guide:

    The internal amarok database cannot cope with a large amount of songs. If you have lots of songs this is probably your problem.


      Re: Amarok start error and slowness

      Fixed it:

      Due to an unrelated issue while upgrading to kde 4.1.1, I ended up deleting my .kde4 folder in my home directory. This fixed the distorted window somehow. For speed, I upgraded to the beta amarok, it seems to handle itself better. The problem is it doesn't have much functionality yet, so I'm looking for a replacement until it's finished.

