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[Solved] Lagging/Invisible text in console after Ctrl-Alt-F1

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    [Solved] Lagging/Invisible text in console after Ctrl-Alt-F1

    Hey Folks,

    I'm running a new install of Kubuntu Hardy and when I type Ctrl-Alt-F1, I get the console or whatever she's called but the text is too large and blocky. I would like to change the resolution on this but don't know how. Secondly (and this is of greater concern), when I type commands, they don't appear right away. There's a lag before I see what I have typed show up and execute at the prompt. For example, if I type 'ls' and press enter, I get another bash prompt but the command I've typed neither shows up nor executes until I press enter another 10 times or so. Then, it finally appears and executes. I haven't found any threads detailing this specific issue though my splash is also not showing so I tried adding vga=791 to my menu.lst and updating grub. I then get a list of graphic modes to choose from but they all either do the same thing when I try Ctrl-Alt-F1 or just give me a strobing blitzkrieg of colors and characters. Any help to fix these issues would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if you need more info. Thanks!


    Re: Lagging/Invisible text in console after Ctrl-Alt-F1

    Why not try Konsole - Terminal Program? KMenu>System>Konsole
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: Lagging/Invisible text in console after Ctrl-Alt-F1

      Thanks for the reply. Yes that does work just fine. However, after spending the passed few weeks getting everything tuned up and familiarizing with my new Kubuntu install, adding the necessary plugins, packages, etc., I would really like to get this last feature working. Is it a known problem? Perhaps I was on the right track by looking at menu.lst? If so, directing me to an existing thread would probably suffice. Cheers.



        Re: Lagging/Invisible text in console after Ctrl-Alt-F1

        Look at http://warrantyvoidifremoved.blogspo...lution-in.html for changing the resolution of virtual terminals.
        "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
        "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


          Re: Lagging/Invisible text in console after Ctrl-Alt-F1

          I followed the instructions in that thread and it fixed both problems. Thanks a lot! 8)

