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crazy hd setup

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    crazy hd setup

    ok I am wanting to set up my partitions post install..

    here is my setup now

    Disk /dev/hdd: 30.0 GB, 30020272128 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 3649 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
      Device Boot   Start     End   Blocks  Id System
    /dev/hdd1  *      1    3497  28089621  83 Linux
    /dev/hdd2      3498    3649   1220940  f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
    /dev/hdd5      3498    3649   1220908+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris
    Disk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
      Device Boot   Start     End   Blocks  Id System
    /dev/sda1  *      1    6433  51673041  7 HPFS/NTFS
    /dev/sda2      6434    14593  65545200  f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
    /dev/sda5      6434    14593  65545168+ 83 Linux
    right now sda5 is a blank ext3 partition I made with partition magic... I want to mount it as my home forlder... can anyone tell me the best way to copy my current home folder to sda5 and mount sda5 as my home folder?

    also I installed the 686 kernel and now windows is no longer in grub... can I re-add it somehow? I had allready modified that file to make it the first option...

    Re: crazy hd setup


    Yes, you can mount it as a new folder, copy all files inside ,then umount it, modify /etc/fstab and remount it (in /home) :
    - mkdir /tmp/toto
    - sudo mount /dev/sda5 /tmp/toto
    - sudo cp -a /home/* /tmp/toto
    - sudo umount /dev/sda5
    - kdesu kate /etc/fstab
    - add the line after the "/" one :
    /dev/sda5 /home ext3 defaults 0 2
    - save the file
    - sudo mount /dev/sda5
    - mount (to check that it's really mounted)
    - ls -l /home/* (check user rights)
    - sudo umount /dev/sda5
    - sudo rm -rf /home/<user> (one by one, it's safer but you can put a /home/* )
    - sudo mount /dev/sda5

    You're done.

    About your grub troubles, you should edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst and add this on the end, and don't forget to set hd(?,?) with what feets to you.
    # This is a divider, added to separate the menu items below from the Debian
    # ones.
    title Other operating systems:

    # This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS
    # on /dev/sda1
    title Microsoft Windows
    root (hd?,?)
    chainloader +1

    Hope it helped


      Re: crazy hd setup

      timothy@timothyscomp:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda5
      mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda5,
      missing codepage or other error
      In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
      dmesg | tail or so

      timothy@timothyscomp:~$ dmesg | tail
      [4329005.618000] atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xaa on isa0060/serio0).
      [4329005.618000] atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e02a <keycode>' to make it known.
      [4329005.695000] atkbd.c: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0xaa on isa0060/serio0).
      [4329005.695000] atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e02a <keycode>' to make it known.
      [4329005.716000] atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xd9 on isa0060/serio0).
      [4329005.716000] atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e059 <keycode>' to make it known.
      [4329005.880000] atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xaa on isa0060/serio0).
      [4329005.880000] atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e02a <keycode>' to make it known.
      [4329005.979000] atkbd.c: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0xaa on isa0060/serio0).
      [4329005.979000] atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e02a <keycode>' to make it known.


        Re: crazy hd setup

        The dmesg tail is about your keyboard (unless atkbd.c refers to something else). However, when you get that error message from mount it's a good bet that the problem is that your /etc/fstab file and the actual nature of /dev/sda5 are not the same.

        The easiest thing to do is to look at your fstab and see if there's a typo in the /dev/sda5 line. Then I'd check whether "defaults" is actually what you want. I can never remember what the defaults are for any particular filesystem, so I tend to spell things out in my fstab.

        Another possibilty: my feeble recollection is that PM 7.01 (the last one I used) actually couldn't make an ext3 partition properly, so the best bet was to let Partition Magic make an ext2 partition and then fix it in linux with qtparted, or something similar.


          Re: crazy hd setup


          Yes mount is shouting because of format of your device, but for me, code 83 is ext3, isn't it ?
          Does it happen when you filled /etc/fstab ?
          Maybe you should try to remount like this :
          sudo mount /dev/sda5 /tmp/toto
          and mount would give you the type of filesystem /dev/sda5 is. Then you can modify your /etc/fstab

          Hope it will work


            Re: crazy hd setup

            it turns out that norton formated with ext2 so I reformatted with ext3 and all was happy. the problem with the grub thing is I don't know what numbers I need, It should be 1 0 but that doesn't work


              Re: crazy hd setup

              hd0 is your first drive. hd0,0 is the first partition on your first drive. So, if windows was installed first, (which it was, because it overwrites anything installed before it), you want "root (hd0,0).


                Re: crazy hd setup

                no that logic doesn't even make seance and is completely dumb. windows does not overwrite anything but the master boot record, windows was installed first but it is not drive 0 see my grub menu bellow with the non working windows item

                # menu.lst - See: grub(8), info grub, update-grub(8)
                #      grub-install(8), grub-floppy(8),
                #      grub-md5-crypt, /usr/share/doc/grub
                #      and /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/.
                ## default num
                # Set the default entry to the entry number NUM. Numbering starts from 0, and
                # the entry number 0 is the default if the command is not used.
                # You can specify 'saved' instead of a number. In this case, the default entry
                # is the entry saved with the command 'savedefault'.      
                default		0
                ## timeout sec
                # Set a timeout, in SEC seconds, before automatically booting the default entry
                # (normally the first entry defined).
                timeout		10
                ## hiddenmenu
                # Hides the menu by default (press ESC to see the menu)
                # Pretty colours
                #color cyan/blue white/blue
                ## password ['--md5'] passwd
                # If used in the first section of a menu file, disable all interactive editing
                # control (menu entry editor and command-line) and entries protected by the
                # command 'lock'
                # e.g. password topsecret
                #   password --md5 $1$gLhU0/$aW78kHK1QfV3P2b2znUoe/
                # password topsecret
                # examples
                # title		Windows 95/98/NT/2000
                # root		(hd0,0)
                # makeactive
                # chainloader	+1
                # title		Linux
                # root		(hd0,1)
                # kernel	/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda2 ro
                # Put static boot stanzas before and/or after AUTOMAGIC KERNEL LIST
                ## lines between the AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST markers will be modified
                ## by the debian update-grub script except for the default options below
                ## DO NOT UNCOMMENT THEM, Just edit them to your needs
                ## ## Start Default Options ##
                ## default kernel options
                ## default kernel options for automagic boot options
                ## If you want special options for specifiv kernels use kopt_x_y_z
                ## where x.y.z is kernel version. Minor versions can be omitted.
                ## e.g. kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro
                # kopt=root=/dev/hdd1 ro
                ## default grub root device
                ## e.g. groot=(hd0,0)
                # groot=(hd0,0)
                ## should update-grub create alternative automagic boot options
                ## e.g. alternative=true
                ##   alternative=false
                # alternative=true
                ## should update-grub lock alternative automagic boot options
                ## e.g. lockalternative=true
                ##   lockalternative=false
                # lockalternative=false
                ## altoption boot targets option
                ## multiple altoptions lines are allowed
                ## e.g. altoptions=(extra menu suffix) extra boot options
                ##   altoptions=(recovery mode) single
                # altoptions=(recovery mode) single
                ## nonaltoption boot targets option
                ## This option controls options to pass to only the
                ## primary kernel menu item.
                ## You can have ONLY one nonaltoptions line
                # nonaltoptions=quiet splash
                ## controls how many kernels should be put into the menu.lst
                ## only counts the first occurence of a kernel, not the
                ## alternative kernel options
                ## e.g. howmany=all
                ##   howmany=7
                # howmany=all
                ## should update-grub create memtest86 boot option
                ## e.g. memtest86=true
                ##   memtest86=false
                # memtest86=true
                title Xen 3.0 / XenLinux 2.6
                 kernel /boot/xen-3.0.gz dom0_mem=262144
                 module /boot/vmlinuz-2.6-xen root=/dev/hdd1 ro console=tty0
                ## ## End Default Options ##
                title		Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.12-9-686 
                root		(hd0,0)
                kernel		/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-686 root=/dev/hdd1 ro quiet splash
                initrd		/boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-9-686
                title		Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.12-9-686 (recovery mode)
                root		(hd1,0)
                kernel		/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-686 root=/dev/hdd1 ro single
                initrd		/boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-9-686
                title		Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.12-9-386 
                root		(hd0,0)
                kernel		/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-386 root=/dev/hdd1 ro quiet splash
                initrd		/boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-9-386
                title		Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.12-9-386 (recovery mode)
                root		(hd0,0)
                kernel		/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-386 root=/dev/hdd1 ro single
                initrd		/boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-9-386
                title		Ubuntu, memtest86+
                root		(hd0,0)
                kernel		/boot/memtest86+.bin 
                # This is a divider, added to separate the menu items below from the Debian
                # ones.
                title      Other operating systems:
                # This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS
                # on /dev/sda1
                title      Microsoft Windows
                root      (hd1,0)
                chainloader   +1

