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no sound from .wmv in firefox 3

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    no sound from .wmv in firefox 3

    Linux newb and learning
    I finally got flash and wmv sites to play in firefox but the wmv videos don't have any sound or stop, play, ect buttons. I don't really care about the buttons just want sound to work. I looked around and couldn't find anything. Flash videos have sound its just the wmv that doesn't.

    Using kubuntux64

    Edit: Also it seems to be no sound coming from VLC when I play video files.

    Edit2: Vlc has sound I rebooted my system. As for firefox, it seems like flash and wmv web videos are switching out with the sound. At 1 point I had sound in wmv videos and no sound in the flash video and vice versa.

    Edit3: I just found out if I have a website of a video playing that vlc will have no sound and vice versa. My wmv sites have sound know, don't know what happen but it seems to be working. Let me know if its a bug or is it supose to work like that.

    Re: no sound from .wmv in firefox 3

    Hi there,

    I have the same problem under Kubuntu 8.10 x386 and it is strange because just before that I had Ubuntu 8.04 x386 and I had sound without doing some very special tricks. I wonder if this problem exists also under Ubuntu 8.10. Anyway it's really discouraging to see very good looking and easy to use OS (and that's Linux) but you're stuck on a problem with basic things like sound. I also didn't found in Kubuntu the Sound Manager like the one in Ubuntu where you can choose ALSA,OSS,... There is something like Sound Settings but doesn't look the same to me.

    I hope somebody will come with some tip or the magic solution.


