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Folder properties not reporting correctly

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    Folder properties not reporting correctly

    Hello all,

    This weekend I made the full transition from Windows XP Pro to 64 bit Kubuntu. I used a USB 2.0 external hdd and made an exact copy from Mandriva Spring 2008 {the XP box} to the USB, then from the USB to Kubuntu. without any problems. After transferring the files:

    I had each OS check the folder containing the files on the USB and here were the results:
    Kubuntu 49.9 GB (53,560,689,701) 29724 files, 2111 sub-folders
    Mandriva 51.2GB (54,951,587,743) 30103 files 2136 sub-folders

    I then compared the folder for these files on each OS, here were the results:
    Kubuntu 51.2 GB (54,953,431,066) 30106 files, 2144 sub-folders
    Mandriva 52.3 GB (56,192,730,459) 30520 files 2169 sub-folders

    Why would these two OS's report four different folder properties from that same 'exact' {only transfered} folder? Neither system is viewing hidden files. What am I missing? Is it just a matter of how each OS handles / interprets the files / folders?

    Thanks for helping to unconfuse me!
    kubuntu 8.04 ~ 64bit<br />Pentium D ~ 3.4gig<br />4gig RAM<br />160gig HDD ~ x2<br />19&quot; Widescreen<br /><br />&quot;I must be a nice guy..........I always seem to finish last.&quot;