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Grub 1.5 Error 17

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    Grub 1.5 Error 17

    New and in need of some help.

    I got:
    two identical 250GB SATA HD's

    Installed XP on primary drive and then disconnected and installed Kubuntu on the second drive. Connected them both and made sure bios is set to the primary XP drive in boot sequence and got the following:

    GRUB 1.5
    Error 17

    I get the same message even when I boot from either drive while disconnecting the other.


    Re: Grub 1.5 Error 17

    you just can have one operative system at the same time, if you want to have both you don`t have to unppluged your hard disks. example
    fiist install windous xp both hard disk plugged in
    second install kubuntu and follow the instructions to install kubutu in a partition space, select the size of the partition or in this case select the second hard disk and you will install the grub (grub is the loader for Linux, whit this loader you are going to select xp or kubuntu for operative system start).
    third step enjoy kubuntu!!

    i hope this help you


      Re: Grub 1.5 Error 17

      The solution proposed by leoveles will work. In fact, it is the standard way most of us do it.

      However, I suspect you did it your way because you did not want to have the Linux bootloader (GRUB) overwrite the XP bootloader (NTLDR) in the Master Boot Record of the XP drive, right? If that's not right, follow leoveles. If it is right, then here's what you need to do:

      Using a live Kubuntu CD, access the Kubuntu hard drive, and re-install GRUB to the MBR of that drive and only that drive. Then edit the boot menu in Kubuntu, which is the file called /boot/grub/menu.lst so it includes a boot entry for XP, and that boot entry for XP will be:

      title XP whatever
      root (hd1,0)
      map (hd1) (hd0)
      map (hd0) (hd1)
      chainloader +1

      Then, set the BIOS to boot first from the Kubuntu disk (after the CD/DVD drive).

      That'll do it.

      For either my solution or that of leoveles, these references apply -- Lots of details, but very doable.

      How To GRUB Methods - Toolkit

      Bigpond, home:

      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        Re: Grub 1.5 Error 17

        I have exactly the same Motherboard. (MA2-VM.)
        And, equally, same sized hard-drives. (250 gig WD's.)
        You dis-connected your 1st H/drive(XP),and installed Kubuntu ( I did not.)

        There the similarity ends.

        I formatted the 2nd H/drive (still connected) NTFS (not Ext 3).

        Then, I used the "Install within Windows" option. To install Kbuntu, to 2nd H/drive.
        Once that was done, I Rebooted.
        The 'Dual-boot' Grub kicks start installing Kubuntu. Properly.( Even though it is already installed.)
        The "Language" window will show up next.
        My Computer's Dual-Core CPU has APCI 'enabled' the BIOS. (It is greyed-out, as such.)
        This gives me a Problem......beyond the "Language" window, of course.
        If I allow the Install to proceed.......past the "Press 'ESC', to enter Menu." just sits there ...does nothing.

        IF I enter the Menu, when it shows (You have to the Count of 7 before it continues on).......and, select the 'option' (With APCI problems)
        ......the Installation does proceed as normal.
        To load Kubuntu.
        This does install Partitions/Files/etc. (And, takes time to do so. Be patient.)

        You was not, and went about it......the wrong way. Completely.
        Installing Kubuntu....with the XP hard-drive NOT connected..........means.... that NO 'Dual-Boot' Grub was able to be installed.
        On the XP Hard-drive.
        A clear enough 'explanation'..........of 'why' you got that "Error 17" fault.

        The reason 'why' I installed Kubuntu 'via the Within Windows' option, was pure luck...on my part..not knowing what I was doing.
        As it turned be real luck, as I found Uninstalling Kubuntu.....all I had/have to do, is...go to XP's "Add and Remove" program.....and uninstall Kubuntu there.
        Then, checking out the Hard-drive...where I put Kubuntu.....all I had to do was to DELete the "Back-up" Folder, there.
        Rebooting the computer, again.............NO 'Dual-Boot' option/No more Kubuntu.

        I did try it....once, as an experiment....Installing Kubuntu, via the BIOS.
        Never again. (Strange, this is what gave me my "Error 17" fault...with Kubuntu!)
        Installing via BIOS............was what screwed up the MBR of XP, on my computer.

        I had to install everything.....again. XP, included!
        There was just no other way.
        I could not get into either OS.

        I am still experimenting with both Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, and Kubuntu 8.04 LTS....and Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (64-bit).
        And, I am still using the method I have just explained.
        My XP OS remains 'unaffected'. (Proof's in the pudding.)

        Print this out. Hope this helps you.

