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Strange Konqueror behaviour amongst other things!!

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    Strange Konqueror behaviour amongst other things!!

    My konqueror is doing strange things....

    When I click on the Konqueror/KDE3 icon in my favourites... nothing happens

    I type 'kdesu/konqueror' or 'sudo/konqueror' in a terminal window, I am asked for password, enter it then get a 'command not found' error.

    When I type 'konqueror' in a terminal, Konqueror 4.0.05 starts.

    A few days ago I noticed two entries for Konqueror in Adept Installer, uninstalled the KDE3 version and ended up with no Konqueror at all.

    I then uninstalled the KDE4 version then reinstalled it again and ended up where I am now.

    Any clues how to fix this??

    Another annoying issue (to me anyway!) is I cannot get the 'num locks' on when my pc starts. I have selected the 'NumLock on KDE Start Up' in the Settings Menu (KDE3 version), but it doesn't take!

    Looks to me like I have some issues with my installation that may need tidying up, but being a Noob I am at a loss how to do this. Suggestions anyone

    I like running Kubuntu and will be happy to do away with WinXP in time once these issues can be sorted out.

    I have KDE4.1 installed.

    Oh.... my pc totally restarted during my last attempt to post this problem. I had Thunderbird, Firefox (many tabs open), Adept Installer, Terminal and System Settings open at the time...
    Craig<br />Noobie to Linux and Kubuntu from the Land Down Under..<br />GMT +10.00

    Re: Strange Konqueror behaviour amongst other things!!


    about terminal complaining it can't find konqueror:
    1.: kde 4.x binaries are located at /usr/local/lib/kde4/bin which usually is not in your path.
    You kan permanently add the location to you path via .bashrc (in you home) with something like
    export PATH="$PATH:/usr/lib/kde4/bin"
    2. if you got more than one version of konqueror installed on your system, when you type 'konqueror' at the command line, bash will start the first occurrence of konqueror it can find in you PATH . You can check what version of konqueror bash will start with the command $(which konqueror)
    3. I had similar sudo problems as those you mention, I solved i with 'sudo $(which konqueror)



      Re: Strange Konqueror behaviour amongst other things!!

      sorry for the typos ! + I ment "you can find out which konqueror is being started with 'which konqueror' "


        Re: Strange Konqueror behaviour amongst other things!!

        Cheers Joar!

        Now konqueror starts when I type konqueror in a terminal window.... however the sudo or kdesu commands still return 'command not found'. Bummer!!

        Curious to know if the sudo or kdesu commands will work for firefox as they should for konqueror??
        Craig<br />Noobie to Linux and Kubuntu from the Land Down Under..<br />GMT +10.00

