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help on removing dual boot system and doing clean reinstall

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    help on removing dual boot system and doing clean reinstall

    hi guys been having trouble with kubuntu and also now my windows install so i want to do a full format of the drive removing both linux and windblows then do a clean reinstall of them both .. i know how to do the reinstall thats easy but whats the best way to remove and format the drive containing them?

    Re: help on removing dual boot system and doing clean reinstall

    You don't have to "remove" anything. Just delete all partitions then re-partition and reformat each partition (NTFS, ext3, whatever).
    Do this using GParted Live CD.
    Install XP first to the first partition sda1. Then install Kubuntu.

    How to partition, Rog131:

    GParted Live CD (free download):
    (get the recent -10 version, not the -11 version)

    Now, if you want to really clean that drive, you zero it out (do a zero-fill):
    dd Command
    Most people do not do that very often or ever (i.e., use dd to zero-fill). Your HDD manufacturer may have free software for doing that (SeaTools for Seagate). You would only do that if the drive were heavily used and/or may contain sensitive information you might want to "delete" more fully. (When you delete a file, you do not delete the file, you know.) People who are good at using dd, though, do this stuff all the time. If so, use the Helix Live CD and the special DoD version of dd explained in the how-to and read the CAUTIONs about using dd. Otherwise, without using dd to do a zero-fill, just run GParted Live CD, delete all partitions, create new ones (plan it out before running GParted), format Linux as ext3, then do your installs. Read the Rog131 how-to if you need to.

    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: help on removing dual boot system and doing clean reinstall

      kewl ok time to buy a blank cd then (as i only have dvds) . then i will give that a go everything is backed up on this drive now


        Re: help on removing dual boot system and doing clean reinstall

        right blank cds on order i might just do a reinstall of the linux for now so atleast i have a pc that is usable coz this is a joke at the mo most the of the stuff dont work in linux for (see other post as to why this is)


          Re: help on removing dual boot system and doing clean reinstall

          skedone, yeah, and for now, you can forget about the dd zero-fill (unless you feel fairly experienced in these matters). Most folks keep this simple and just use GParted Live CD to delete all partitions and re-create them. That gives you a pretty clean, fresh start, no problems.
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Re: help on removing dual boot system and doing clean reinstall

            oops we posted in passing -- Yeah, for now just re-install Kubuntu so you have something. Just keep your personal data backed up and then you can always do a clean re-do of that drive at any time; or wait for the next version of Kubuntu to be released. Some of us re-install all the time -- just for practice
            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


              Re: help on removing dual boot system and doing clean reinstall

              to be honest if it worked with all my games and few mobile service apps i have i would never need windblows but hay will have to do at the mo

