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Completely new Linux user having several install problems, please advise!

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    Re: Completely new Linux user having several install problems, please advise!

    Well so far I've tried installing Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and Mepis and nothing seems to want to run after the install. The first 3 all do the same thing as listed earlier in this thread, the last (Mephis) looks to be loading up then just asks me for a login/password that I dont have and didnt input it while installing.

    I want to experience Linux and learn to use it but it seems the only way I can use it at all is through the install CD's that have Live CD on the iso.

    Could someone list or point me in the direction of some BIOS settings so I can try and play with it some more? I'm using an Asus A8N32 SLI Deluxe motherboard updated with the newest BIOS available...


      Re: Completely new Linux user having several install problems, please advise!


      Well through the hundred of pages of forum posts and websites/tutorials I've read through I decided to try a few things while I was in the mood to work on this issue.

      First I tested the jumper settings:
      First tried removing the jumper on the HD from "cable select" to "master/single" Neither seemed to make any difference.

      Then I decided to try something I read and thought was WAY beyond a long shot (even the poster said it was unlikely a cause) but I changed the connection it used on the IDE cable form the top uppermost connection to the middle connection (still had the jumper set for master) and BAM! Booted into Kubuntu within 10 seconds.

      I will now turn off yet again to A: reset the drive to a safe position within the computer and B: replace the "cable select" jumper settings to ensure thats not part of the issue.

      UPDATE: Just to confirm the jumper is now set to "cable select" and still functions as expected.

      Could someone tell me how to PROPERLY have a dual boot system since I installed this without any other HD's connected? I'd prefer that Windows remain on top of the boot option (as for now I will still be using it a lot until I figure out how to migrate most of my programs over or find equivilent ones.

      Now, since I have someones attention hopefully could someone give me a rundown on how I go about getting the latest drivers for my sound card? And maybe a link on trying to get a network set up (I'm assuming that Windows and Linux can communicate on a network somehow, would that be correct?)

      I know the replies to this post didnt lead to the hopeful resolution of this problem but I do greatly appreciate the quick responses and I hope to be able to pick your collective brains and get to know Linux!


        Re: Completely new Linux user having several install problems, please advise!

        Wow. Although, now that I think about it, my IDE drive is in the middle of the cable too.

        Dual boot:

        Run Win XP like I do (inside Linux):


          Re: Completely new Linux user having several install problems, please advise!

          I run Vista hehe


            Re: Completely new Linux user having several install problems, please advise!

            I would think that Vista could be installed on a VM the same way that XP is, but I don't know that for a fact. I hope the day is far, far in the future when I need to buy a copy of Vista. 8)


              Re: Completely new Linux user having several install problems, please advise!

              Glad you got that one solved.
              For virtual vista (if you reeeeeealy need it):



              Foe more on virtual windows ask. it works great.
              HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
              4 GB Ram
              Kubuntu 18.10


                Re: Completely new Linux user having several install problems, please advise!

                Ok the only problems I'm having now is:

                1: Trying to add a boot option into vista to let me select Kubuntu (these guides assume I've had all my HD's hooked up to recognize other OS's etc and I havent)

                2: How to install my audio and video drivers I downloaded from the companies ( I do a lot of beta testing and having the current versions is crucial)

                How to install Firefox (havent really dug into this yet, there may be a tutorial I can use for it)


                  Re: Completely new Linux user having several install problems, please advise!

                  To answer your last question first:
                  sudo apt-get install firefox
                  in a terminal
                  give your password. You wont see any input with the password. That is a securita precaution. Don't wory it works.

                  Conversely depending on the version of kde you are using (3.5 or kde4.1) use adept package mamager. search for firefox and chose install,

                  2: How to install my audio and video drivers I downloaded from the companies ( I do a lot of beta testing and having the current versions is crucial)
                  more details are needed.

                  1: Trying to add a boot option into vista to let me select Kubuntu (these guides assume I've had all my HD's hooked up to recognize other OS's etc and I havent)
                  I don't know what you mean by "not hooked up" but have a look here:

                  HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                  4 GB Ram
                  Kubuntu 18.10


                    Re: Completely new Linux user having several install problems, please advise!

                    Audio - Creative X-Fi
                    Video - nVidia 8800 GTS

                    I have downloaded the drivers from both companies but I'm unaware of how to install them



                    nvidia-xconfig-1.0.tar.gz (Not sure if I even need this one)

                    And by not hooked up, I mean they were not connected to the PC at time of Linux installation, so the OS didnt detect anythin nor wrote any info to the boot area of the Vista drive (which is the primary drive used for booting)


                      Re: Completely new Linux user having several install problems, please advise!

                      dual boot through Vista's bootmanager:
                      the apcmag link the guys gave you should show how to edit the Vista boot manager to include other OSs (as I recall)
                      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                        Re: Completely new Linux user having several install problems, please advise!

                        Install Firefox through Adept Package Manager:

                        K > System > Adept Manager
                        K > Add/Remove Programs
                        and some folks have to edit their /etc/apt/sources.list to get that to go right
                        (if so, someone will chime in here)
                        The point: don't try to install FX from the CLI; imo, it's just not worth the effort or grief, but there are some posts around here on doing that.
                        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                          Re: Completely new Linux user having several install problems, please advise!

                          Originally posted by Finger

                          I'm now running my 8800GTS with the new 177.67 driver in Intrepid -- I'd recommend it rather than the older one. 177.67 is on the Nvidia website. Download it, and put the downloaded file in your home directory, and then save a copy of it in /tmp. Here's what to do next, in the Konsole:

                          cd /tmp
                          sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
                          sudo su
                          apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
                          apt-get install build-essential
                          ./NVID{now press TAB to auto-complete the file name, then "Enter"}
                          Watch carefully the on screen questions, and highlight "YES" or "NO" as appropriate, i.e. "NO" you don't want to exit the installer, and "YES" you do want the installer to try to work around missing compilers and so forth. At the end, "YES" you want it to write an xorg.conf file for you.

                          Then, when the installer exits, and you are still the Super User with a "#" prompt, restart your system with

                          shutdown now -r
                          If there's problem running X when you log in, you'll need to boot recovery mode, and use nano or vi to open the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and comment out the path to "RgbPath", as shown in this post:


                          nvidia-xconfig-1.0.tar.gz (Not sure if I even need this one)
                          No, you don't -- matter of fact, it might just screw things up. BTW, if it were recommended, you should use the one in the repos, not the downloaded tarball.


                            Re: Completely new Linux user having several install problems, please advise!

                            Any idea on how I install the audio drivers?


                              Re: Completely new Linux user having several install problems, please advise!

                              Follow the appropriate link to troubleshoot your sound system:



                                Re: Completely new Linux user having several install problems, please advise!

                                I dont need to troubleshoot so much as figure out how to install the drivers I have downloaded

