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firewall troubles!!!!

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    firewall troubles!!!!

    I installed guarddog thru adept manager. played with it, and messed something up. I unimstalled guarddog, how can I get everything back to default (the way kubuntu had it set up at install


    Re: firewall troubles!!!!

    When you changed settings in Gaurddog you actually change settings in IPTables. Even with removing Gaurddog the rules in IPTables remain the same.

    I always recommend making notes of what you change so you can set it back to the state it was in before you started.

    Let's start by running this:
    sudo iptables -L
    Then please post the result here.

    Check out my website with Kubuntu how to's:


      Re: firewall troubles!!!!

      Thanks for the help...I guess I can keep guarddog, but just do not understand what to check and what not to

      here is the output from the command..

      Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
      target prot opt source destination
      ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere
      ACCEPT all -- Kubuntu.home
      logaborted tcp -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED tcp flags:RST/RST
      ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
      ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp destination-unreachable
      ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp time-exceeded
      ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp parameter-problem
      nicfilt all -- anywhere anywhere
      srcfilt all -- anywhere anywhere

      Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)
      target prot opt source destination
      ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
      ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp destination-unreachable
      ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp time-exceeded
      ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp parameter-problem
      srcfilt all -- anywhere anywhere

      Chain OUTPUT (policy DROP)
      target prot opt source destination
      ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere
      ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
      ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp destination-unreachable
      ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp time-exceeded
      ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp parameter-problem
      s1 all -- anywhere anywhere

      Chain f0to1 (3 references)
      target prot opt source destination
      ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp spts:1024:65535 dpts:6881:6889 state NEW
      logdrop all -- anywhere anywhere

      Chain f1to0 (1 references)
      target prot opt source destination
      ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp spts:1024:5999 dpt:6969 state NEW
      ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp spts:1024:5999 dpt:rsync state NEW
      ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp spts:1024:5999 dpt:https state NEW
      ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp spts:1024:5999 dpt:smtp state NEW
      ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp spts:1024:5999 dptop3 state NEW
      ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp spts:1024:5999 dpts:6881:6889 state NEW
      ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:domain state NEW
      ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere udp dpt:domain
      ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp spts:1024:5999 dpt:www state NEW
      ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp spts:1024:5999 dpt:webcache state NEW
      ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp spts:1024:5999 dpt:8008 state NEW
      ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp spts:1024:5999 dpt:8000 state NEW
      ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp spts:1024:5999 dpt:8888 state NEW
      logdrop all -- anywhere anywhere

      Chain logaborted (1 references)
      target prot opt source destination
      logaborted2 all -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 1/sec burst 10
      LOG all -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 2/min burst 1 LOG level warning prefix `LIMITED '

      Chain logaborted2 (1 references)
      target prot opt source destination
      LOG all -- anywhere anywhere LOG level warning tcp-sequence tcp-options ip-options prefix `ABORTED '
      ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED

      Chain logdrop (4 references)
      target prot opt source destination
      logdrop2 all -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 1/sec burst 10
      LOG all -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 2/min burst 1 LOG level warning prefix `LIMITED '
      DROP all -- anywhere anywhere

      Chain logdrop2 (1 references)
      target prot opt source destination
      LOG all -- anywhere anywhere LOG level warning tcp-sequence tcp-options ip-options prefix `DROPPED '
      DROP all -- anywhere anywhere

      Chain logreject (0 references)
      target prot opt source destination
      logreject2 all -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 1/sec burst 10
      LOG all -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 2/min burst 1 LOG level warning prefix `LIMITED '
      REJECT tcp -- anywhere anywhere reject-with tcp-reset
      REJECT udp -- anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
      DROP all -- anywhere anywhere

      Chain logreject2 (1 references)
      target prot opt source destination
      LOG all -- anywhere anywhere LOG level warning tcp-sequence tcp-options ip-options prefix `REJECTED '
      REJECT tcp -- anywhere anywhere reject-with tcp-reset
      REJECT udp -- anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
      DROP all -- anywhere anywhere

      Chain nicfilt (1 references)
      target prot opt source destination
      RETURN all -- anywhere anywhere
      RETURN all -- anywhere anywhere
      RETURN all -- anywhere anywhere
      logdrop all -- anywhere anywhere

      Chain s0 (1 references)
      target prot opt source destination
      f0to1 all -- anywhere Kubuntu.home
      f0to1 all -- anywhere
      f0to1 all -- anywhere localhost
      logdrop all -- anywhere anywhere

      Chain s1 (1 references)
      target prot opt source destination
      f1to0 all -- anywhere anywhere

      Chain srcfilt (2 references)
      target prot opt source destination
      s0 all -- anywhere anywhere


        Re: firewall troubles!!!!

        You might want to try Firestarter better to understand I think..

        Check out my website with Kubuntu how to's:


          Re: firewall troubles!!!!

          Thanks I installed it. Went through the setup wizard. I see nothing to do now?



            Re: firewall troubles!!!!

            About IPTables > Ubuntu community - IPTables HowTo

            About reset > Ubuntu forums - Reset iptables
            Yea, I kinda messed 'em up and now my Linux box wont connect to the internet.
            iptables --flush

            man iptables tells:
            -F, --flush [chain]
            Flush the selected chain (all the chains in the table if none is given). This is equivalent to deleting all the rules one by one.
            ~$ sudo iptables -L
            [sudo] password for rog:
            Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
            target prot opt source destination

            Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
            target prot opt source destination

            Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
            target prot opt source destination
            Before you edit, BACKUP !

            Why there are dead links ?
            1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
            2. Thread: Lost Information


              Re: firewall troubles!!!!

              Thanks, let me ask a question...

              How is iptables set up when Kubuntu is first installed?

              If I do the flush, how safe is the system?



                Re: firewall troubles!!!!

                I don't see any need for firewalls in Linux except if you are running a server as there aren't really any viruses (which also makes me remind you to not worry about installing antivirus as it is not necessary) or anything that can be dangerous to your computer exept for people hacking into your server which is why i think there is only need for a firewall if you are running a server.


                  Re: firewall troubles!!!!

                  ~$ sudo iptables -L...
                  is a new installation without Guarddog or Firestarter.

                  About firewalls (this is a bit old) > Fine-Tuning Kubuntu
                  There is no option during installation to configure a firewall, and Kubuntu includes no graphical firewall configurators. Kubuntu installs with no open ports, so strictly speaking it doesn't need one. A running service, like a web or mail server, creates an open port. No open ports means nothing to attack. While this viewpoint is valid, I think it's a bit shortsighted, because hardly any installation remains unmodified. Also, no matter how careful you are with application-level security and strong passwords and such, layered defenses are good and protect you from your own mistakes. About the only reasons not to set up a firewall are if your PC was not connected to any other networks, or you had an external firewall.

                  About Guarddog and Firestarter > Topic: guarddog won't let kmail send
                  As for firestarter, firestarter allows all outbound connections by default (different from guarddog), so it'll allow sending mail no matter which protocol/port is used.
                  Before you edit, BACKUP !

                  Why there are dead links ?
                  1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                  2. Thread: Lost Information


                    Re: firewall troubles!!!!

                    Originally posted by fulcj001
                    I don't see any need for firewalls in Linux except if you are running a server as there aren't really any viruses (which also makes me remind you to not worry about installing antivirus as it is not necessary) or anything that can be dangerous to your computer exept for people hacking into your server which is why i think there is only need for a firewall if you are running a server.
                    That is a whole new discussion. I happen to think that every computer that goes on to a public network should be firewalled. Especially Laptops. And it is only a matter of time before Ubuntu viruses will emerge because the popularity of Ubuntu and Linux in General is always growing.

                    But let;s not hijack the post with opinions about firewalling or not and anti virus or not.

                    Check out my website with Kubuntu how to's:


                      Re: firewall troubles!!!!

                      I use the following:


                      It really is simple, after install you get asked whether there are any special ports you want open, otherwise it pretty much configures itself. I've never used another one...
                      Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ

