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help my install has gone wrong it wont load anymore it just freezes

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    help my install has gone wrong it wont load anymore it just freezes

    guys summit has happened to my install of kubuntu and now it wont finish loading kde4 so am in kde3 at mo typing this via the alt+ctrl f2 option then startx. my normall boot moans about a file missing and the freezes at the bluetooth probing

    Re: help my install has gone wrong it wont load anymore it just freezes

    Sounds like a mess.

    So you've got both KDE4 and KDE 3.5.9 on what -- Hardy Heron? Many have run into trouble with trying to run both of them -- there's apparently some shared files that cause problems when switching.

    If you're new, and you don't know your way around on the system, and this is a new installation with not a lot of time invested in configuration, the shortest path to "better" might be just to re-install it. And then stick to KDE 3.5.9 and leave KDE 4 alone for now.

    Or, if you're adventuresome and really want KDE 4, then grab the ISO image for Intrepid Ibex Alpha 4, and install that. In that case, you will have only KDE 4 and there won't be conflicts. Of course "Alpha 4" is not guaranteed stable. But it's pretty stable on mine. A couple of things, including Adept and Alt-F2 aren't working today. But if you can stand an occasional anomaly like that, maybe that's a way to go.


      Re: help my install has gone wrong it wont load anymore it just freezes

      sorry maybe i was not clear but i have been running this set up for about a month now .. it was a kubuntu 3.X install that i later added kde4.1 to had no problems till today things started to go a bit laggy then lock up. so i reset the PC since then i have had the same error it seems to be a xserve error as it freezes on at said point . so the only way to run the system is to press ctrl+alt+f2 and then start the system via the startx command this then in turn loads the kde3 environment (which is what i am using now)

      i hope this clears it up and someone can help me

      cant do a fresh install at the mo waiting for new HD and have no space to back up data (over 400gigs of data on this partition)


        Re: help my install has gone wrong it wont load anymore it just freezes

        If startx starts it, then the video driver is OK.

        In your /home/skedone folder are hidden files and directories that begin with a period. You can see them with Konqueror or Dolphin by clicking "View>Show Hidden". KDE 3.5 settings are in the one named ".kde" and KDE4 settings are in the one named ".kde4".

        So, if you are willing to lose your desktop settings and start with a clean KDE3.5 desktop and panel, you can simply rename the .kde director to something like .kde_bak. Then restart the X server with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace. It should pop right up with your login GUI and then take you to a clean KDE 3.5 desktop, and you can reset things.

        And if it doesn't help at all, then you can nuke the new ".kde" folder and simply restore the old one by renaming it back to ".kde".


          Re: help my install has gone wrong it wont load anymore it just freezes

          nope that did not work mate same problem i get no GUI on ctrl+alt+backspace it says cannot connect to xserver (this maybe due to the other desktop that crashes at start as in ctrl+alt+f1)

          please help this is doing my head in now


            Re: help my install has gone wrong it wont load anymore it just freezes


            from Terminal:

            Make sure you have an internet connection:
            ping -c 4
            sudo apt-get remove --purge kubuntu-kde4-desktop
            This will remove the KDE4 desktop and all settings then install again:
            sudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop
            Check out my website with Kubuntu how to's:


              Re: help my install has gone wrong it wont load anymore it just freezes

              nope that did not work either lads


                Re: help my install has gone wrong it wont load anymore it just freezes

                Any error's or problems running those commands?

                Check out my website with Kubuntu how to's:


                  Re: help my install has gone wrong it wont load anymore it just freezes

                  not buy the look of it mate but like i say i am running them in the ctlr+alt+f2 environment as the other one is just frozen


                    Re: help my install has gone wrong it wont load anymore it just freezes

                    Originally posted by skedone

                    i am running them in the ctlr+alt+f2 environment as the other one is just frozen
                    Are you logged in as root when you are doing that?


                      Re: help my install has gone wrong it wont load anymore it just freezes

                      to be honest mate i dont know i put in my user name i set when i set the os up and my pass that might be root if not what is the default root user and pass and i will check


                        Re: help my install has gone wrong it wont load anymore it just freezes

                        No, if you only logged in with your user name and password, that's OK. Sometimes folks screw up their system by logging in as root ("sudo su" and password) and then run applications -- that's the death of a *buntu system.


                          Re: help my install has gone wrong it wont load anymore it just freezes

                          "cant do a fresh install at the mo waiting for new HD and have no space to back up data (over 400gigs of data on this partition)"

                          It is possible that you might have a space problem. When you boot and are at the CLI prompt, before running startx, type this instead:
                          df -hTxtmpfs
                          What is reported for your root ( / ) partition under the column Avail ? If you also have a separate home ( /home ) partition, what is reported for it as well?
                          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                            Re: help my install has gone wrong it wont load anymore it just freezes

                            oh its not space i have a total of 100gig free


                              Re: help my install has gone wrong it wont load anymore it just freezes

                              yep like i say it reports just over 100gb at 79% free

