I'm a semi-competent newbie. When I first installed Kubuntu to my laptop I had partitioned 2 drives - my root drive and a home drive. After searching forums for information on best practices for installation, I saw a lot of messages stating that 64bit installations may occasionally run into compatibility issues. Because I was a scared newb I opted for the 32bit installation.
Since then I've decided I'd like to take the plunge and see what this Core2Duo is really capable of. I really want to get up and running with the 64bit platform, but I'm not sure of the best way to make the change. I know that since all my home stuff is on another partition I could technically blow away the root and reinstall from scratch, but I'm not sure if this is the best method.
I'm currently running a dual boot configuration with Kubuntu and Vista (on a 3rd partition) and I'd like to make sure that I don't kill the Vista installation. I'm running 8.04 with both KDE 3.5.9 and KDE 4.1. (I've also considered installing 8.10 but I'm not sure if I'm willing to part completely with 3.5).
So I'm here looking for opinions and suggestions. Please tell me your thoughts!