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The Chown Pwn!

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    The Chown Pwn!

    Not sure how many people know this, it took me a bit of searching! But I'm glad I found it! Sorry if this is a repeat thread or already well known!

    I just repartitioned my hard drive so I had a pretty big storage drive and 20 gigs to kubuntu, well, when I did that I wasn't able to access my other drive! I could read, but not write, kind of lame methinks! So I did a bit of searching, found out that root and stolen ownership and I was without a paddle! So armed with nothing more than google and wikipedia(the two most knowledgeable brains in all the lands!) I found out about CHOWN! Change owner! It truly is wonderful^_^ Now I have full access to my other drives! And! Konsole is great because if you are unable to figure out the location to your drive, or just too lazy then you can just drag the drive into the command prompt and there you have it!

    Use chown in a console to give youself ownership:
    sudo chown USER /drive
    Compaq Presario c727us, 120GB  HDD, 2GB DDR2, 1.6GHz, fully working sound, wifi, proprietary buttons, and on board mouse with Kubuntu 8.04 and KDE 4.1

    Re: The Chown Pwn!

    If you are using fstab to mount the drive at boot, you can modify your fstab entry to allow the drive to be read and write for users at boot.

    See man fstab and man mount.


      Re: The Chown Pwn!

      Very nice! Thank's!
      Compaq Presario c727us, 120GB  HDD, 2GB DDR2, 1.6GHz, fully working sound, wifi, proprietary buttons, and on board mouse with Kubuntu 8.04 and KDE 4.1

