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Kubuntu Install problem..please read:)

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    Kubuntu Install problem..please read:)


    First, I'm sorry this took a lot more space than intended. I hope one of you is kind enough to take time to read this.

    I've downloaded dapper-dvd-i386.iso from this website and burnt in onto a cd. Before I rebooted I partitioned I made a 10gb partition where I intended to have Kubuntu installed.

    Somehow I think my Windows XP partition was moved (the swap disk was put up before C?)), because I can't boot in windows anymore. (No OS found) but that's another story.

    Anyway..upon booting on the kubuntu cd I get to the menu saying "Start Kubuntu", "Start Kubuntu in safe mode", "Install a server", "Install on HD" etc..

    Looks good. So I try first to just "Start Kubuntu". My screen ends up showing all kinda colors in an absolutely horrible resolution and I can't do anything but rebooting again. When I choose "Install on HD" I get to the "Uncompressing Linux...Ok, booting the kernel. ALERT /dev/ram does not exist. Dropping to a shell!"

    and that's about as far as I get with that option. The most promising option was the "start kubuntu in safe mode"...the graphics worked wonderfully(wohoo) and I manage to click the "Install" link on the desktop that appears after a while. I fill in keyboard settings, region, language, time zone and so on. Then I get to the part where I enter computer name, password, user etc...after filling in that scheme the installer just dissappears. No errors, no nothing. If I try running it again it doesn't start as it did earlier.

    Thanks for reading this. Can anyone give me a few hints what to do next?

    Re: Kubuntu Install problem..please read


    As dapper is still for testing now, maybe you should wait til it will be in stable version... Or install breezy and upgrade as much as possible.
    I've read on this forum that there's a lot of people having troubles to install from live dvd... Anyway I've installed it just after release of breezy stable from breezy, then dist-upgrade to dapper and my system is still fine, so I never had to reinstall... Sorry that I can't help more.
    Maybe write this feedback to devel team.



      Re: Kubuntu Install problem..please read

      Thanks for answerring

      Too bad I haven't got any OS at all atm. Guess I'll have to reinstall WinXP tonight and download another version of Ubuntu as you said. I'm so afraid that I'll have to format my harddisk to get back into Windows. It's should still be on there..the problem is to make that partition active. Could it be possible to do that somewhere in the BIOS?


        Re: Kubuntu Install problem..please read


        I don't think it's possible to do it from bios but you should be able to do it from live kubuntu even in safe mode with fdisk, take care, it's not an easy tool...

