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"Is KDE for people with poor vision?" and "Konqueror eating my cookies"

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    "Is KDE for people with poor vision?" and "Konqueror eating my cookies"


    Hey everybody, I'm fresh on Kubuntu and KDE 4. I've used Ubuntu 7.10 for a few weeks (XP user until then). I like the simplicity of KDE4, but one thing really annoyes me. Everything is so big. By everything I mean icons, toolbars, windows titlebars, window edges... Even web page fonts are larger. I am a fan of minimalism, so you can imagine that big icons and toolbars don't really add up to good experience for me. I've found the DPI setting switch, but I don't think anything happens. After setting from OFF to 96 DPI, everything remained the same. How can I make my Kubuntu dekstop look smaller, so I have more workspace (I'm using 1280x768 res)?


    Konqueror (or whatever the preinstalled web browser is called) is eating my god damn cookies. When I log in to it takes me to the forum list, and when I click Help the new guy section, suddenly I'm not logged in anymore. F5 doesn't help, I have to log in again, but then again i'm on the Kubuntu forums list. I'm writing this post from XP OS now.


    How do I install Opera web browser? I can't get it from Add/remove applications, and if I download it from their webpage, I get an archive with which I can't do ****.

    Would appreciate some answers, as you can see I'm a bit stressed because of all the problems...

    Re: "Is KDE for people with poor vision?" and "Konqueror eating my cookies"

    Hi Aleedee

    1. have you tried this:

    A). Adjusting the screen size:

    K menu -> System Settings

    click on Display

    Here you can adjust the screen size.

    B). Adjusting the font size:

    K menu -> System Settings

    click on Appearance

    Click on Fonts in the left window.

    Click on the Adjust All Fonts... button in the right window.

    Click on the Size box, to set a check mark in it.

    Adjust to the size you want and click on the OK button.

    2. Don't know how to help with this question.

    3. To download Opera:

    go to

    click on Download in the menu - ignore the 3 options on the dropdown part.

    Dispite the fact we are using Kubuntu 7.10:
    select Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon

    click the Download opera button

    It should download a deb package, that you just click on once to start install.


      Re: "Is KDE for people with poor vision?" and "Konqueror eating my cookies"

      You can download opera the way mentioned above, but you can also open Adept and type "Opera" in the search field. It's there. I'm not sure it's 9,5 though. To be sure is the best way. If it's not in Adept, you are missing some repositories, or you have disabled non-free repo-content.


        Re: "Is KDE for people with poor vision?" and "Konqueror eating my cookies"

        Uhm...I thought my icons and everything was slightly small, so I adjusted the settings to make them one notch bigger. But when I logged on just now, everything had gotten HUGE. I enter system settings
        -> display, and find that the screen resolution is all of a sudden set to minimum. When I push the administrator mode button, nothing happens. I cannot move the slidebar, and I cannot apply any changes.
        Is there a terminal command to get it done?


          Re: "Is KDE for people with poor vision?" and "Konqueror eating my cookies"

          I suggest if you are new to Kubuntu - use KDE 3.x before playing around with KDE4.x which is bleeding edge. KDE 4.0 has big icons and is now superseded by kde 4.1

          I am using KDE 4.1 now and it is more minimalistic but because it is under heavy development there are noticeable bugs.

          Also, I would try Firefox-3.0, it is probably the best browser for Linux at the moment.


            Re: "Is KDE for people with poor vision?" and "Konqueror eating my cookies"

            Yeah the whole 2in toolbars thing was really annoying me so I messed around with it for a while and now mine looks like this. For dolphin I got rid of the left and right toolbars, Konquereor was cool but then I realized that it was having some compatabilty issues (No Yahoo) so I got opera.

            [img width=400 height=319][/img]

            If you like anything let me know and I'll try to point you in the right direction.

