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[SOLVED]synaptic touchpad click

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    [SOLVED]synaptic touchpad click

    hey everyone. i was wondering if anybody could help me with my touchpad.

    problem: I can't get it to stop clicking things when I touch it(I have heavy fingers lol).

    what I have tried:

    -edied the /x11/xorg.conf file by adding 1) Option "MaxTapTime" "0" and 2) Option “SHMConfig” “on”
    -restarted the computer
    -nothing happened :-(

    What can I do to solve this problem?
    -is there a package or library pre-requisite?
    -can you help me with a simple step-by-step b/c I am VERY new to Kubuntu.

    Thank you very much!

    Here is my system (just in case):

    Dell e1505
    60 GB HD
    1 GB RAM
    Synaptics Touchpad
    ATI video card
    Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.<br /><br /><br />Using Kubuntu<br />Dell Inspiron e1505<br />2G RAM<br />ATI video card

    Re: synaptic touchpad click

    please guys
    Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.<br /><br /><br />Using Kubuntu<br />Dell Inspiron e1505<br />2G RAM<br />ATI video card


      Re: synaptic touchpad click

      Does it happen randomly? or Constantly?


        Re: synaptic touchpad click

        Did you add those commands in the right place in xorg.conf? They have to be in the right section. Here's that portion of my xorg.conf:
        Section "InputDevice"
        	Identifier	"Synaptics Touchpad"
        	Driver		"synaptics"
        	Option		"SendCoreEvents"	"true"
        	Option		"Device"		"/dev/psaux"
        	Option		"Protocol"		"auto-dev"
        	Option		"HorizEdgeScroll"	"0"
        	Option		"MaxTapTime"		"0"
        	Option		"SHMConfig"		"on"
        I don't know if you did or not...but you can't just add the command to the bottom of the file....they must go in the correct section of the file.

        Also,rather than reboot, do a Control-Alt-Backspace, which will log you out and then take you to the login screen..... it's a little faster than a reboot and still restarts X.



          Re: synaptic touchpad click

          It happened constantly... And i wrote all the right code but I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. I never rebooted my laptop, once I rebooted it everything worked. Thank you so much for your help though!
          Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.<br /><br /><br />Using Kubuntu<br />Dell Inspiron e1505<br />2G RAM<br />ATI video card


            Re: synaptic touchpad click

            you may want to change the title to solved


              Re: synaptic touchpad click

              im sorry... how do i do that? lol
              Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.<br /><br /><br />Using Kubuntu<br />Dell Inspiron e1505<br />2G RAM<br />ATI video card


                Re: synaptic touchpad click

                Wow thanks for the tip. This issue has been bugging me for a couple months. Glad to have it resolved.


                  Re: [SOLVED]synaptic touchpad click

                  I'm adding this cause I had a lot of frustrating nights (7) searching and trying all kinds of things to

                  get rid of tapping, remove tapping, stop tapping, on my touchpad, touch pad control
                  disable tapping,

                  "redundancy intentional for searching possibilities"

                  installed gsynaptics
                  edited xorg.conf to add SHMConfig line
                  trying gsynaptics on reboot had to restart and disable tapping everytime
                  removed gsynaptics
                  removed line from xorg.conf

                  this worked added

                  Option "MaxTapTime" "0"

                  to the "Synaptics Touchpad" section of xorg.conf

                  after reboot, it works touchpad tapping is diabled,,,,,,,,,,,,yeh!


                    Re: [SOLVED]synaptic touchpad click

                    I avoid the mods to xorg.conf because it may be overwritten.

                    I saved the following script as "" in my home directory and set its execution bit on.
                    # toggle synaptic touchpad on/off
                    # get current state
                    SYNSTATE=$(synclient -l | grep TouchpadOff | awk '{ print $3 }')
                    # change to other state
                    if [ $SYNSTATE = 0 ]; then
                      synclient touchpadoff=1
                    elif [ $SYNSTATE = 1 ]; then
                      synclient touchpadoff=0
                      echo "Couldn't get touchpad status from synclient"
                      exit 1
                    exit 0
                    This code uses the "synclient" application. If it isn't installed you can install it from the repository.
                    Setting "SHMConfig" isn't necessary.

                    Run Systemsettings-->Advanced-->Autostart and on that tab click the "Add script" button, navigated to the script and added it to the list of commands that automatically start when KDE4 fires up.
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Re: [SOLVED]synaptic touchpad click

                      I'm having the same issue with 8.04 with persistent. I've opened 'casper-rw' partition in kdesu kate.
                      I've added to /media/casper-rw/etc/X11/xorg.conf in my laptop's install of kubuntu 8.04 and added the lines

                      Option "SHMConfig" "on"
                      Option "MaxTapTime" "0"

                      to the appropriate section ('Synaptics Touch Pad')

                      I've also opened and did the same with each of xorg.conf(followed by string of numbers)
                      that also exist in /media/casper-rw/etc/X11/

                      I'll know on next Live USB with persistent boot if it worked. I also have a /dev/sdb3 (casper-rw) issue
                      unrelated to this but Live USB with persistent constantly leaves /dev/sdb3 not cleanly unmounted.
                      So I have to fix it from a different install of kubuntu in konsole:
                      sudo su ## gives root user access
                      e2fsck -p /dev/sdb3 ## which checks and corrects errors on the partition (casper-rw).
                      exit ## leaves root access
                      link to my experience with this is:


