Today, when I typed my password to login, the following message appears.
Your Session only lasted less than 10 Seconds...........
Try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix the problem
No profile for user 'kyle' found......................................
Unable to access file /home/kyle.ICEauthority: no such file or directory
Help me restore my system/desktop.... I know the desktop still exist because I typed in the terminal firefox and went to file>open>(all my desktop folders show up).
Your Session only lasted less than 10 Seconds...........
Try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix the problem
No profile for user 'kyle' found......................................
Unable to access file /home/kyle.ICEauthority: no such file or directory
Help me restore my system/desktop.... I know the desktop still exist because I typed in the terminal firefox and went to file>open>(all my desktop folders show up).