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forget everything else, all things Compiz and how-to's plz

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    forget everything else, all things Compiz and how-to's plz

    I know there's a few ppl who are trying to get compiz and probably getting the same problems as me.

    I have all the required files installed except for python-compizconfig (dependency) and the main one wich is

    its easy to find whats required online to get things running but these 2 apps won't install with good 'ol fashion Adept 'instl or Add/Remove. This is what Synaptic gives me when trying to install compizconfig:


    Package compizconfig-settings-manager has no available version, but exists in the database.
    This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents of sources.list
    The package itslelf can be found on the ubuntu site ( ) and python-compizconfig is also there if you look it up.

    if I download these manualy, how do i get them to install? What to type in Terminal? (they are .deb file extensions in a compressed pkg)

    and finaly, does anyone have Compiz installed succesfully on their computer? (kde 4.0/4.1)

    My goal is to try to get the visual benefits of compiz and i have the computer to do it. the other program, KWIN does not achieve nearly the same experience......

    Any help would be awesome!!! tnx,


    Re: forget everything else, all things Compiz and how-to's plz

    Hardy Heron?

    Your basic steps are:

    1. Make sure you have GLX working, by running "glxgears" in a Konsole window and observing the graphic and the frames-per-second calculation.

    2. Use the packaged compiz in the repo. You only need a subset of the packages:


    It will pull in whatever else it wants.

    3. Do KMenu>System Settings>Desktop, open Multiple Desktops, and set it to 1.

    4. Open KMenu>Settings>CompizConfig Settings Manager to work with it. First thing to do is open "General" and set horizontal desktops to 4. Then click "Desktop Cube", maybe disable Desktop Wall if it asks you to, click "Rotate Cube" and "Wobbly Windows" and whatever reflections you want.

    5. Also, in KMenu > System Settings > Advanced > Session Manager, click "Window Manager" and change it to Compiz.

    Now you should be able to restart the X server and get a Compiz cube (roll your middle mouse button to find out, or do Ctrl-Alt-Arrow).


      Re: forget everything else, all things Compiz and how-to's plz

      1. Make sure you have GLX working, by running "glxgears" in a Konsole window and observing the graphic and the frames-per-second calculation.

      2. Use the packaged compiz in the repo. You only need a subset of the packages:

      thanks dibl! would you be able to tell me the exact comand line to run "glxgears" followed by the comand line for compiz in repo? (is repo just the following action from the first action? or is it actualy a comand part of an executable program or action?)

      i have tried a variety of things in Konsole but this is new :S


        Re: forget everything else, all things Compiz and how-to's plz

        You run glxgears by opening the konsole and simply entering
        and hit Return. If that application is not installed, it will invite you to
        sudo apt-get install mesa-utils
        which will install glxgears. So do that.

        glxgears is simply a demonstration that your graphics driver supports glx, and gives a rough approximation of its processing horsepower, via the fps calculation.

        If glxgears won't run, then you've got some work to do with a graphics driver. If it does run, then you're clear to proceed to the installation of compiz.

        "Repo" is short for "repository". That is the internet site where *buntu packages are available for installation. So (again assuming Hardy Heron or prior version) you open KMenu>System>Adept Manager, give your password, scroll down to the compiz packages that I named, mark them, and then click "Apply" on the top menu and they will be installed for you.

        A search on this forum for "compiz" will provide a wealth of additional detail -- you can learn from other folks experiences that way.


          Re: forget everything else, all things Compiz and how-to's plz

          thanks dibl, I like to hear simple (screenshot bellow)

          I have gone through the process you have describe and here are the results:

          "glxgears" yelds the following
          Error: couldn't open display :0.0
          "sudo apt-get install mesa-utils" yelds
          mesa-utils is already the newest version.

          even if that worked, my biggest problem is that Adept manager will not let me select request install to file "compizconfig-settings-manager" wich is what I have been stopped at for the last 36 hrs. Clicking the request install button does absolutely nothing. If I try other things in Konsole like
          sudo apt-get install compizcomfig-settings-manager

          it still doesnt work and gives me:
          Package compizconfig-settings-manager is not available, but is referred to by another package.
          This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
          is only available from another source
          E: Package compizconfig-settings-manager has no installation candidate
          i have tried different versions of sudo apt-get install __________________ with different filenames based on research throughout the internet and I have also tried the "COMPIZCHECKER" found on Forlong's blog and passed the test.

          here is a screenshot of my desktop with the results i just explained, I opened Adept after trying everything in Konsole cuz I know it wouldnt work if its open at the same time.

          Oh, and file compiz-kde is nowhere to be found in the install list but i have everything else installed as u can see:


            Re: forget everything else, all things Compiz and how-to's plz

            Originally posted by dude1984

            "glxgears" yelds the following
            Error: couldn't open display :0.0
            "sudo apt-get install mesa-utils" yelds
            mesa-utils is already the newest version.
            This means your graphics driver, as presently installed, does not support glx. You gotta fix that, or the rest of it doesn't matter. :P


              Re: forget everything else, all things Compiz and how-to's plz

              the only option i can think of is puting a checkmark beside the video card in hardware drivers manager but when I last did that, I had problems..... but I didnt have the right nvidia drivers bac then so I'll give it a try and we'll see what happens

              would you know why I cant download compizconfig settings manager?


                Re: forget everything else, all things Compiz and how-to's plz

                Probably there is a problem with your sources list, and/or dpkg database. Do the following commands in the Konsole, one at a time, and post your outputs, and maybe we can patch it up a little:

                lsbrelease -a
                lspci -v
                sudo dpkg --configure -a

                Also, you've got to get your hardware driver right. Maybe this will help:



                  Re: forget everything else, all things Compiz and how-to's plz

                  I ended up doing a clean install of kubuntu since i was getting a multitude of problems.... then i did the installation of only the stuff i needed and compiz works. Only thing is, in the demo videos on youtube they show the point of view that the user is rotating around the cube but in this version, the cube is being rotated.

                  I also tried to change the background pic for cube mode but it doesnt work.... stays as grey background.

                  Standing problem - can't get any glass looking windows.... I download the themes and they are unrecognized file formats so can't be used..... unless i figure out wich program i need to download or how to execute the theme....


                    Re: forget everything else, all things Compiz and how-to's plz

                    As to Compiz:
                    How to set up Compiz Fusion - Feisty and Gutsy
                    How to set up Compiz Fusion 0.7.4 - Hardy

                    The two guides are very well put together.
                    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                      Re: forget everything else, all things Compiz and how-to's plz

                      Thanks a bunch..... those guides are realy good. I was on furlong's blog a few weeks back and didn't notice this info.

                      I have most of my visual stuff worked out, thanks guys..... this is a great forum!

                      btw, if anyone else is reading this and has some missing info on how things went (cuz i figured out some stuff as i went along) don't hestate in asking me for more info either in this topic or via pm.




                        Re: forget everything else, all things Compiz and how-to's plz

                        Originally posted by dibl
                        Probably there is a problem with your sources list, and/or dpkg database. Do the following commands in the Konsole, one at a time, and post your outputs, and maybe we can patch it up a little:

                        lsbrelease -a
                        lspci -v
                        sudo dpkg --configure -a
                        When I look at that Compiz page, having video issues myself, it looks like there should be lists of supported cards etc. but I don't see any lists or links on my browser screen, just the titles

                        Also, you've got to get your hardware driver right. Maybe this will help:


