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Amsn won't log in.

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    Amsn won't log in.

    It opens nicely, but it doesn't seem to connect. I just get the login window, and it can go on for hours. This problem started a few days ago. Mail-adress and password are correct, and I have set for login at startup. I have tried un- and reinstalling it, but no change. Would it help if I purged it, then reinstalled?

    Re: Amsn won't log in.

    I got the same problem.
    aMSN on Linux Mint (Ubuntu 8.04 actually).
    Same problem: won't connect since yesterday.

    Noticed the same problems on e-buddy and webmessenger!

    So I guess Microsoft changed sth. in its MSN protocol again... 'cuz I can only connect with Pidgin and WLM!


      Re: Amsn won't log in.

      got the same problem, both aMSN and KMess wond sign in, Emesene signes in, but the contact list is empty. Kopete works as before. Did Microsoft do something to their servers?


        Re: Amsn won't log in.

        yep, Amsn and Emesene don't work for me (Emesene logs me in but the contact list is empty and no option for importing) and now i'm using Kmess and loads up quick..... just not as visualy pleasing


          Re: Amsn won't log in.

          Quote from
          MSN updated their protocol, you need to update your aMSN to the new 0.97.2 version to access the network, download the 32/64bit update package here;


            Re: Amsn won't log in.

            The update is now in the repos, and came down with this mornings updates. Amsn is now working again. Meanwhile, Kopete has done the job just fine.


              Re: Amsn won't log in.

              I can not get kmess, kopete or amsn to login, anyone else?


                Re: Amsn won't log in.

                I'm logged in to MSN via Kopete... both today and yesterday.

