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Kubuntu hardy heron versus vista

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    Re: Kubuntu hardy heron versus vista

    What's interesting MoonRise is how we run neck-to-neck on posts, apparently without being aware of it. (Some folks will say we just keep quoting each other, but, well, that's just plain nonsense ...)
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: Kubuntu hardy heron versus vista

      Originally posted by Qqmike
      What's interesting MoonRise is how we run neck-to-neck on posts, apparently without being aware of it. (Some folks will say we just keep quoting each other, but, well, that's just plain nonsense ...)
      How's that?

      No seriously though, well stated! Quoted because I couldn't have said it better and wanted my 1 cent in!


        Re: Kubuntu hardy heron versus vista

        "Quoted because I couldn't have said it better and wanted my 1 cent in!"

        Me, too.
        (But we better knock it off here before we are accused of running way the hell off-topic ... -- and I'm 1 point ahead as I post this).
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


          Re: Kubuntu hardy heron versus vista

          4 - while I am typing some times I will end up in a completely different place than where I was typing before. This caused me to delete every thing I typed in this post to have to retype it again. OMFG, it just happenned again.
          Oversensitive touchpad? Turn it off or reduce sensitivity.


            Re: Kubuntu hardy heron versus vista

            I think kubuntu and ubuntu are very much the best OS i have.
            They work today fast, and work within 3 years even fast

            Winxp and vista works today "good" but by tomorrow you have spyware, worms , virusses and a registry so bloated that your hardware works slooowwww

            And lets be hounest, if you want to keep it legal, are you going to spend over a 1000€ on office, photoshop, etc... or be smart and use the alternatives (open office, gimp, ...)

            So kubuntu is also improving all the time too and I honestly hope that games get supported more and more, then its goodbye MS, keep the Blue Screens of Death to yourself


              Re: Kubuntu hardy heron versus vista

              It's true that Windoze is the leading target of viruses and hackers, but ( for me at least ) XP workes fine on a desktop as long as it has a good firewall ( the windoze one blows ) and that it has AVG anti-virus installed. The only reason I switched my laptop to Kubuntu in the first place was because my wireless card stopped working. So now I run Kubuntu 6.06 ( laptop's too old and won't run anything newer w/o lagging like a limb-less man at a hooker convention ) on my laptop and it couldn't be better.

              ( kinda got off topic lol ) So, ya install Kubuntu on the new and old machines and you'll have to of the best running computers on your block. Also if you do a lot of music/photoshop stuff, check out it's a version of Ubuntu that's tailor made for those things.
              The early bird might get the worm, but it's the second mouse who always gets the cheese.


                Re: Kubuntu hardy heron versus vista

                Originally posted by sp00k
                Now for Kubuntu:

                1 - no sound
                sudo alsaconf

                Then keep pressing Enter...

                Originally posted by sp00k
                2 - no wireless networking, which essentially renders my laptop into an expensive paperweight.
                Install ndiswrapper

                Originally posted by sp00k
                3 - Suddenly today, I have no freaking titlebar. So while I am trying to fix the other annoying problems I no longer have the convenience of moving and toggling windows.
                kwin --replace

                Kwin, or KDE-Window-Dekorator (3d version) crashed. Usually due to a bad theme. I've had "Emerald" crash plenty of times, but not usually Kwin. Maybe "Metacity" (Ubuntu) might be better?

                Originally posted by sp00k
                4 - while I am typing some times I will end up in a completely different place than where I was typing before. This caused me to delete every thing I typed in this post to have to retype it again. OMFG, it just happenned again.
                Don't know....

                Originally posted by sp00k
                My conclusion: Windows worked like fecal matter - BUT AT LEAST IT WORKED AT ALL. Now let me go search the internet again. I really like linux and I want to fix these problems and run it before I settle back into the dismal world of XP. I just am so sick of the frustration
                I feel your pain.
                The answers are out there...


                  Re: Kubuntu hardy heron versus vista

                  I bought a new notebook in 2006. It came with Windows XP. It's a HP. Windows had a 3GB folder of hardware drivers for most plus other folders for other drivers, such at the ATI X1300 card.

                  I downloaded a Kubuntu 8.04 (and earlier versions) CD image, burned a 700MB cd and installed Kubuntu. Kubuntu detected all of the hardware - screen at correct resolution, DVD burner, two batteries, two processors, SD/MMC/XD card, USB, wireless, pcmcia. Kubuntu works well, it is stable, doesn't crash, allows you to easily download extra programs and update and is much safer connecting to the net without worrying about all of the windows trojans, viruses, etc.

                  I know several people using Kubuntu 8.04 and they are all very happy with it.
                  I know several people using Vista and I don't think any of them are happy with it.
                  HP Compaq nc6400, 2Gi, 100Gi, ATI x1300 with 512M

