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Another problem with Evolution

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    Another problem with Evolution

    I have been happily running Kubuntu 6.06 until recently.

    Now that I have installed Kubuntu 8.04 I would like to transfer all of my saved emails (both received and sent) from Evolution in Kubuntu 6.06 to Evolution in Kubuntu 8.04.

    Copying the Evolution Inbox folder from 6.06 to 8.04 did not copy the sub-folders of Inbox that I had created to file emails according to who had sent them. The same is true of the old Sent folder from 6.06

    I would prefer to use the space presently used for 6.06 for additional storage of 8.04 files, but this problem of being unable to import all of my sub-folders is forcing me to keep 6.06 going so that I can refer back to my previously filed emails.

    Is there any way I can import my old Inbox and its sub-folders from Evolution in 6.06 to Evolution in 8.04?

    PROBLEM SOLVED - Another problem with Evolution

    The solution turned out to be quite simple.

    After starting 8.04 and mounting the old partition containing 6.06 then using Konqueror I carried out the following steps:

    1. Create a new folder in my 8.04 home directory and call it .evolution.old

    2. Move .evolution for 8.04 to .evolution.old as backup in case the next steps failed to work.

    3. Copy .evolution in its entirety from my home directory in 6.06 to my home directory in 8.04.

    4. Open Evolution to see my original folders and read my old emails as a check of success.

    It is only fair to say that before step 4 was successful Evolution locked up and would not let me expand my Inbox to see the original folders but it worked OK at the second attempt and is now working after a third attempt.

    All I have to do now is to grab the newer emails that I downloaded into the original .evolution folder from the .evolution.old. I am assuming that this will be a matter of using Kate to cut and paste between the two folders copy of Inbox. :P

