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Ok need a little help or advice

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    Ok need a little help or advice

    See , the thing is my pc runs Kubuntu and has done since Dapper came out....had lots of fun with it and fully intend to keep it thank you very much ! Wink

    However the problem is not me and mine but my daughters old windows pc which ran windows xp home...which is slow and problematic and now seems to have crashed. We kept it running windows so she could play some games...mostly now just the Sims stuff ( yawn ...well she is a teenager!)

    Now it is broken I am very tempted to install kubuntu which she can use easily and does so on my pc but I am worried about 3 things

    1 No Sims...not my problem and I argue time for moving on!
    2 Is the pc too old, too small for new Kubuntu ( I tried to install a live cd and was chucked out with memory issues?...what do I need or can I put in an older set up ...dapper etc?
    3 the pressure is mounting to get a small laptop ( certainly one of the new cheapies) but they may /may not come with kubuntu if I choose but that is a little not friendly and I would rather reuse what we have

    So I need a little advice Yes/No answers will suffice or I could do a poll

    1 Is it fair to cut windows out all together?
    2 Can I run an older pc with Kubuntu 8:04?
    3 Should I just get a new laptop?

    I can afford a new laptop but they use it for just emails/internet ( ie just you tube!) open office stuff and storing some music ( small amounts)

    They are not too happy re no sims but not over the top

    I can post the spec up here I am sure but with it not booting here it ain't so easy

    So people...a little help and advice...I will get back to you re the decision and of course any problems and feedback from the kids
    Install Kubuntu 8.04
    Try to repair windoze
    Install older Kubuntu
    Get a new laptop
    Sell the kids!
    Running Kubuntu Karmic Koala&nbsp; with KDE 4.3 at home<br /><br />Kubuntu user 24342<br /><br />Running Dell Inspiron 530 Dual Core 3ghz<br /><br />and also running Kubuntu on a Lenovo thinkpad using a live pen drive<br /><br />Still no Microsoft here!

    Re: Ok need a little help or advice

    Well, since you ask so nicely

    1 - What's it got to do with fair/unfair? If the administrator can be bothered to maintain windows, fine. If I were the administrator, I could not be bothered 'cos it involved too much work, time and effort.
    2 - What specs does the machine have? Kubuntu really wants 256MB, although it does run on 192MB. Perhpas you want something like Antix or Xubuntu or some cheap RAM from ebay.
    3 - I'd stay well clear of the cheapo laptops that are flooding the market unless it stays in one place and one place only where it can't break. In which case a new desktop - or at least an upgrade bundle - is a lot cheaper and faster. Also, you don't hunch in front of a proper screen as you do in front of laptop...

    My 2cs
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      Re: Ok need a little help or advice

      Cheers for that

      I am sure it has 256 ram but will need to check. As the admin in the house that answers to 'dad!' I cannot be bothered to maintain windows but can do ubuntu etc alot easier

      Is xubuntu more suited to older pcs then?

      I share your concerns re laptops
      Running Kubuntu Karmic Koala&nbsp; with KDE 4.3 at home<br /><br />Kubuntu user 24342<br /><br />Running Dell Inspiron 530 Dual Core 3ghz<br /><br />and also running Kubuntu on a Lenovo thinkpad using a live pen drive<br /><br />Still no Microsoft here!


        Re: Ok need a little help or advice

        Xubuntu uses XFCE as desktop environment. There is also Fluxbuntu using Fluxbox, but the last time I looked at it, it was pretty poor. However, if they improved it, Fluxbox is blindingly fast!

        And if another member of your household wants to take care of a windows machine because they want to play - that would be fine, wouldn't it?

        BTW, strange that your Kubuntu should stumble over 256MB - perhaps worth another thread, 'cos that shouldn't happen. Having said that, try the alternate CD.
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          Re: Ok need a little help or advice

          Alternative cd?

          Ooh eck..only got the one for hardy and gutsy

          Should I try to download the iso files for an alternative ?

          I will try the cds again tomorrow when I am working at home all day and get some specs and even some facts!

          Sounds like if the system is old and goosed to run Xubuntu...will need to be able to stick open office on it though which from a quick search looks okish
          Running Kubuntu Karmic Koala&nbsp; with KDE 4.3 at home<br /><br />Kubuntu user 24342<br /><br />Running Dell Inspiron 530 Dual Core 3ghz<br /><br />and also running Kubuntu on a Lenovo thinkpad using a live pen drive<br /><br />Still no Microsoft here!


            Re: Ok need a little help or advice

            Ooh eck? Here is the link for Canonical in Old Blightey.


            Any road, some facts would be wicked...
            Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


              Re: Ok need a little help or advice

              Will sort ...many thanks for your help..I will sort an iso and gets some facts back here....
              Running Kubuntu Karmic Koala&nbsp; with KDE 4.3 at home<br /><br />Kubuntu user 24342<br /><br />Running Dell Inspiron 530 Dual Core 3ghz<br /><br />and also running Kubuntu on a Lenovo thinkpad using a live pen drive<br /><br />Still no Microsoft here!


                Re: Ok need a little help or advice

                If its the Sims, IIRC it runs perfectly fine under WINE anyway.

                If the kids complain, tell them to go buy their own computer.


                  Re: Ok need a little help or advice

                  Right, so much are the kids going for ?
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                    Re: Ok need a little help or advice

                    When my teenage granddaughter was living with me, I liked to monitor her computer usage. You know how things are these days, and how much trouble a teenage girl can get into on the computer. It's in the news every day. That would be much more difficult with a laptop. I would feel much more comfortable with a desktop PC. Just a thought.


                      Re: Ok need a little help or advice

                      Well it is funny you mention that but a while ago I had to remove the USB wireless as I was getting more and more worried. She still is not sure when I say I can detect every key stroke via my pc whether I might be telling the truth or not!

                      I nearly ditched the whole pc full stop when I could not get an acceptable amount of use agreement...I did when I pulled the plug out! Afterwards I said it is pc but no internet...not her fault but I am not happy about
                      a how much time she spends on it
                      b what she does on it ( ie same old websites again and again, msn (now blocked) etcetc)

                      At least another (k or X) ubuntu machine will be a lot safer as I can put the controls on that I need.

                      Running Kubuntu Karmic Koala&nbsp; with KDE 4.3 at home<br /><br />Kubuntu user 24342<br /><br />Running Dell Inspiron 530 Dual Core 3ghz<br /><br />and also running Kubuntu on a Lenovo thinkpad using a live pen drive<br /><br />Still no Microsoft here!


                        Re: Ok need a little help or advice

                        Well, while I don't necessarily agree with restrictions I do see the need to eliminate MSN from yours/mine/any computer

                        You know about dansguardian?

                        ingo@dicker:~$ apt-cache search dansguardian
                        dansguardian - Web content filtering
                        dglog - CGI log analyzer for DansGuardian
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                          Re: Ok need a little help or advice


                          will give that a sort as well

                          I do not know about you people but I get dismayed that they do not get the explorer feeling with the internet that I do and did earlier on too....they just seem to go on the same 2-3 sites sometimes to play the same videos day after day after day...I migrate from site to site ....perhaps too much
                          Running Kubuntu Karmic Koala&nbsp; with KDE 4.3 at home<br /><br />Kubuntu user 24342<br /><br />Running Dell Inspiron 530 Dual Core 3ghz<br /><br />and also running Kubuntu on a Lenovo thinkpad using a live pen drive<br /><br />Still no Microsoft here!


                            Re: Ok need a little help or advice

                            If you don't really know what you are looking for, have no real interest in anything in particular you want to do, feel somewhat overawed by the multitude of stuff out there, then the comfort provided by a couple of trusted websites can be enticing.

                            I do have periods of that, I do confess, but as soon as my mind starts working again: weyhey, big bad world, here I come
                            Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                              Re: Ok need a little help or advice

                              From your description of the problems with Windows and the LiveCD, it's possible you might have a hardware issue here. That might influence your course of action. I would recommend running memtest from the Kubuntu CD. I'd also recommend booting the CD in text mode (is that possible with the Kubuntu CD? I know how to with other distros) and running badblocks on the hard drive to see if it's ok.

                              BTW I use dansguardian on my network at home for the kids. My six year old figured out how to google, so I gotta keep an eye on things. If you need help setting it up, give us a shout.
                              Dell Optiplex 580<br />Kubuntu 10.10 + backports

