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application(Pan) won't open[SOLVED]

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    application(Pan) won't open[SOLVED]

    I can't get the news reader Pan to run when I choose it in the internet group. I've been using it for a few weeks but now it won't execute. Any help would be appreciated.



    Re: application(Pan) won't open

    Please identify the version of Kubuntu you are running, as well as the KDE version.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: application(Pan) won't open

      Also please define the term "won't execute". Does Pan start up? If not, have you tried starting it from a konsole in order to get an error message? If it does start, what do you see?


        Re: application(Pan) won't open

        I'm running Kubuntu 8.04 and KDE 3.5. By execute I mean run, the app just doesn't respond, doesn't open, does nothing. When I run the command in a terminal the app opens as if for the first time asking for data such as news server address name, email etc.


          Re: application(Pan) won't open

          When was the last time you used the application successfully, and what changes to your system have/were made since that time?
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: application(Pan) won't open

            I was using it this morning and then I restarted to go into windows 2000, which failed with a BSOD. I then went back to kubuntu and then tried to open Pan


              Re: application(Pan) won't open

              When I run the command in a terminal the app opens as if for the first time asking for data such as news server address name, email etc.
              I suspect that somehow, your Pan configuration data has been lost. In your home directory, find the .pan2 directory, (/home/emer_son/.pan2) You will have to have Konq set to show hidden files (under the View menu). How many files are there? I have 10 files and 2 directories. If your results are different, I suggest that you re-enter the required information after starting Pan from the command line.


                Re: application(Pan) won't open

                This is a frustrating problem. I ran Pan from the command line, reentered the info and it worked. However upon restarting Pan from the command line the response was I received "aborted in Konsole.


                  Re: application(Pan) won't open

                  I solved the problem. I uninstalled Pan, deleted .Pan2 in dolphin, then reinstalled. Works now as it should.

