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hello everyone, my first post and first issue with my new os

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    hello everyone, my first post and first issue with my new os

    Hello everyone,
    this looks like a great place to start trying to fix this problem i'm having with this great os i just started running a little while ago, i use kubuntu at work on my laptop and i just built a pc to run it at home, kubuntu has made computer fun and interesting for me again, but i'm having a problem with my laptop that slows down my computer and hangs it and i have to restart it to get going again, and today, i couldnt even login, i typed my password into the kdm prompt but i just got blue wallpaper it didnt even get to the part where it loads mine.

    i get these messages in /var/log/syslog:

    Jun 30 10:43:54 freeside kernel: [ 1552.101698] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x0
    Jun 30 10:43:54 freeside kernel: [ 1552.101711] ata1.00: BMDMA stat 0x65
    Jun 30 10:43:54 freeside kernel: [ 1552.101725] ata1.00: cmd c8/00:80:67:cd:10/00:00:00:00:00/e4 tag 0 dma 65536 in
    Jun 30 10:43:54 freeside kernel: [ 1552.101729] res 51/40:00:ab:cd:10/00:00:00:00:00/e4 Emask 0x9 (media error)
    Jun 30 10:43:54 freeside kernel: [ 1552.101736] ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR }
    Jun 30 10:43:54 freeside kernel: [ 1552.101740] ata1.00: error: { UNC }
    Jun 30 10:43:54 freeside kernel: [ 1552.123309] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/100
    Jun 30 10:43:55 freeside kernel: [ 1552.225415] ata1.01: configured for MWDMA2
    Jun 30 10:43:55 freeside kernel: [ 1552.225443] ata1: EH complete

    over and over again, at the times when i'm hanging and crashing, what do you guys think? is it a problem with my hard drive or cdrom or something? i tried booting to a previous kernel, and got the same issue this morning, then i went into rescue mode got a prompt and then typed startx to get into kde and i'm able to work today, but i'm on as root, i'd like to get back into my user account. so at the end of the workday i'll try and login as me and try troubleshooting this issue again.

    thanks for any ideas you guys might have, i'm running kubuntu 8.04.1 it's updated to latest as of before the weekend and my laptop is an hp pavillion dv1000 series dv1330ca actually. This problem happened last week and on monday too and it slowed me down alot but i couldnt see any process to kill to get things going again the only thing i noticed was those kernel messages above. it's weird that everything is working just fine in rescue mode right now though i tried googling for those messages but i didnt come up with anything so far i'm going to give it a shot later on today.


    /siarx<br />Kubuntu8/GA-MA78GM-S2H/4200+x2/4GbOCZ.REAPER.DDR2.800/antec.NSK2480.

    Re: hello everyone, my first post and first issue with my new os

    it's so weird, i worked fine all day in rescue mode, in root on X by typing startx even, and i had my virtualbox xp machine running too and everything went fine so it must be something to do with my user account. I'm going to logg off and log back on as my own user when i get home and see if it still crashes with those messages.
    /siarx<br />Kubuntu8/GA-MA78GM-S2H/4200+x2/4GbOCZ.REAPER.DDR2.800/antec.NSK2480.


      Re: hello everyone, my first post and first issue with my new os

      I searched this forum on "freeside kernel" and it appears you are the first person ever to post using that term. Congratulations!

      The "ata1.00" errors suggest a problem with your PATA hard disk drive, although I can't tell what it might be.

      How long have you had Kubuntu installed on this system? Did the Live CD run OK on it? Have you ever run any other OS on it?


        Re: hello everyone, my first post and first issue with my new os

        oh freeside is the name of my box.

        yes i have installed kubuntu 3 times on this laptop before and the livecd works ok on it too and windows xp used to work ok on it too. i do have problems with its cdrom drive sometimes.

        i just logged in under my regular username and i killed off the kdm i used the virtual consoles to go like ctrl-alt f7 then f8 then f9 then f2 and i'm on virtual console two now. so i logged into the text console and ran top.

        top says that my load average is 15 , 13 , 12 so it's very very busy machine that is why its so unresponsive, and the kernel messages write over the screen the ata1.00 blah blah ones, alot i'm going to google and see how i can get those to stop so i can look around some more on the console at least slowly.

        i used top to check for which program was using the cpu, i pressed o for options and then shift K to move the cpu% to the top of the listing so the program that uses the cpu would be listed first, but none of my programs are using any high % of the cpu. weird eh. so it must be my kernel using the cpu.

        if i choose rescue mode at the grub prompt and login with only the one console and stuff i can use the laptop as root, so i'm thinking it has something to do with my kernel or something i dunno. i tried going back a kernel tho too. to 2.6.24-18 from 2.6.24-19 i think.

        i'm writing this on my pc which is working just great on kubuntu, except i havent got my 2nd lcd working off it yet with this ati driver that came with kubuntu restricted driver module. tho the 3d works and everything so i'm leaving it until i get my laptop going again anyway thats another problem.

        so ata sounds like my disk drive hrm.. yeah maybe there was some driver update or something. maybe i should try building a kernel in rescue mode and booting to that instead. i think i will try that.

        /siarx<br />Kubuntu8/GA-MA78GM-S2H/4200+x2/4GbOCZ.REAPER.DDR2.800/antec.NSK2480.


          Re: hello everyone, my first post and first issue with my new os

          well i didnt get a kernel made yet but i was googling for my error and i found this

          that guy has errors on the live cd so maybe tommorow ill try and run off the live cd to be sure, but if i can boot into rescue mode and run like that and not get the error i'm not sure if that means its working

          and i found this link

          where they came to the conclusion that the hdd is failing so maybe i should get the seagate seatools cd and check for that too, i'm pretty rough with my laptop i bring it with me everywhere so that very well could be, i have a spare 40gb and another hard drive i think for a laptop too so maybe i could swap it too to try and fix. it was about a couple months or so i've been having kubuntu installed that this started happening i think, just after one of those routine hdd checks it started.

          /siarx<br />Kubuntu8/GA-MA78GM-S2H/4200+x2/4GbOCZ.REAPER.DDR2.800/antec.NSK2480.


            Re: hello everyone, my first post and first issue with my new os

            Originally posted by siar

            i do have problems with its cdrom drive sometimes.

            This is significant. Yesterday I said the ATA errors related to a hard disk drive. Duh, it could equally be applicable to any optical drive on the IDE bus.

            I'd say check the CD on another computer with a known good optical drive, if you can. If that indicates the CD is working correctly (boots, loads, lets you run Kubuntu in live mode), then the culprit is probably your optical drive. If it's not the optical drive, then I'm back to suspecting the hard drive.


              Re: hello everyone, my first post and first issue with my new os

              you're right i think it is the hard drive for sure now, this morning i went into my bios on the laptop and i have this option called hard drive self test and i ran it and it failed the test so i ran it again to be sure and it failed again.

              I'm using it in recovery mode as root again today, so i'm going to back up my home directory and stuff to my pc and then put in my old hard drive i have a 40gb from before i upgraded to this 160 and then try and rma my 160 at seagate or at where i bought it.

              when i first installed kubuntu i didnt realize when i shut the lid it wasn't suspending like windows xp did i guess the power management didnt get detected or load right and when i would open it at home it would still be running and be super hot and stuff so i guess the hard drive wasnt parking when i was traveling with it so it probably crashed the heads into the platter or something too many times, nowadays i always go and manually suspend it when i'm going to close the lid for a bit to go somewhere so its not a problem but sometimes i forget still, anyway i'll have to be more careful in the future i guess this one is solved i'm pretty sure the errors will be gone once i put my 40gb in tonight and reinstall and put my files back on.

              thanks for your help, it really helps to write things down too so its easier to solve problems like this
              /siarx<br />Kubuntu8/GA-MA78GM-S2H/4200+x2/4GbOCZ.REAPER.DDR2.800/antec.NSK2480.


                Re: hello everyone, my first post and first issue with my new os

                Sorry to hear about the hdd. But at least now you know what's going on.


                  Re: hello everyone, my first post and first issue with my new os

                  ya it was super frustrating not knowing what it was. and as long as a get a backup of my home folder i think it will keep all my settings, i think i will get a text file of all the packages i installed so i can get that installed all the same i was going to go

                  /usr/bin/dpkg --get-selections > /backups/dpkg-selections

                  and then try and feed that back to apt-get after i reinstall on the new drive to get all my software back again so i dont have to install everything i added with apt-get again, i think i can go apt-get install `cat /backups/dpkg-selections` or something i'm not sure tho.

                  so just except for the things i installed manually like i got virtualbox from the sun website and probably a few other things i downloaded that i will have to do over, it's good to use that apt system to get everything now i think of it. i should probably back up the apt/sources.list file too i think i might have added a few other sites to it to get deb files from too
                  /siarx<br />Kubuntu8/GA-MA78GM-S2H/4200+x2/4GbOCZ.REAPER.DDR2.800/antec.NSK2480.

