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Can't write to my other IDE FAT32 HD

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    Can't write to my other IDE FAT32 HD

    What ever I do I can't get write access to my 2nd (FAT) HD.

    I've tried setting it up in the System Settings Advanced menu. I set it to automount in /media/ which it did OK. But it would not allow me to change the file write permissions which are set for Owner Root.

    I've tried Sudo chmod and tried to change each file permission on the command line. Though the commands were accepted nothing actually changed.

    I then had the bright idea of using a mount point in my home folder but still write access is denied.

    I've checked fstab and it gives me:

    (device & mountpoint) auto users,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0

    What have I got wrong or is this a bug? Help please.


    Re: Can't write to my other IDE FAT32 HD

    FAT filesystems don't support POSIX permissions/ownership, so you can't change ownership/permissions with chmod/chown. You have to set ownership/permissions at mount time. (easily done by editing fstab):

    for example:
    (device & mountpoint) auto uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=0002,users,atime,auto,rw,n odev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
    This will set file ownership (uid) and group (gid) to your primary user (id=1000), and file system permissions (umask) to rwxrwxr-x (writable to owner and group, readable for others)


      Re: Can't write to my other IDE FAT32 HD (SOLVED)

      It worked! Thanks a lot.


