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Setting up my wireless connection

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    Setting up my wireless connection

    Hi all.

    Brand new Kubuntu user here. I've just upgraded my Windows machine, the result being a "spare" Dell Latitude X300 and docking station, so what better to do then to install Linux?

    The advice seemed to be that Kubuntu was the best for beginners, so here I am. I've downloaded the live CD, and loaded it up, and have been pleasantly surprised at how "intelligent" it seem compared with when I last looked at linux a few years ago.

    One area that is giving me problems though is configuring the wireless connection. I've done this many times with many different PCs in Windows, so lots of the requirements are familiar to me, but although it recognises the existence of the Wireless card in the PC it won't connect to anything.

    Going in to System Settings/Network Settings/Network Connections I select the wireless card and hit configure. Select Automatic, activate on start, type in the network name (why should I have to do that - it's obviously not seeing it), WEP key and OK, but no joy. In fact, when I hit apply back on the Network Connections screen it disables it!

    Nothing fancy about my setup - some kind of standard Broadcom card in the laptop if I recall, and a Netgear router, which I know both work perfectly. Could it be something to do with the fact that I'm running the CD rather than an install?

    I'm keen to start on my linux adventure, but the first thing I need is an internet connection, so any help appreciated.

    Best wishes.

    Re: Setting up my wireless connection


    I would have done it differently. Just to make sure you are starting from the beginning please open a command line and enter the following command:

    cat /etc/network/interfaces
    The output should read:
    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback
    If there is anything else you have to get rid of it! Let us know, if you require any help with that.

    Once that is done, open knetworkmanager (it may already be open in your taskbar). Right click on its taskbar icon - if you don't see your wireless network search for and select "enable wireless". Wait a little while and it should find your network.

    If what I have written doesn't work at all for you, please post the output of
    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ

