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Give up on Kubuntu

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    Give up on Kubuntu

    Yup, I finally did it. Today I deleted the partition on my hard drive which contained Kubuntu. I couldnt take it anymore after ages of trying to get any of my 3 different wireless cards to work! Until the day I find a Linux distro thats Plug n' Play, I will stick to Windows XP. It's nowhere as bad as people portray it, all you have to do is take precaution and maintain your system.. and with all the tools available for Windows its as easy as pie.
    Anyway, I will wait for the easy to use Linux.. for now I just find it a hassle. I mean why waste so much time just trying to set something up or install something when you can be doing more important things?!
    P.s. If theres a Plug n' Play distro of Linux available out there that I dont know about, then please let me know. I ordered Linux Suse 10 from ebay, so I will give that a try. If not then out it goes too.

    Re: Give up on Kubuntu

    Good move, I think.

    Just keep in mind the next time you get a computer or a wireless card to look here first:

    Or, better yet, here:
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: Give up on Kubuntu

      Personally, I find it a hassle to continually update all my software to avoid the latest email virus or internet worm attacking Microsoft Windows. But I'd find it even worse to lose everything I've done since my last backup, if I didn't continually update. I also find it a hassle to try to work around the Windows registry. So I got rid of Windows.

      Obviously, tastes differ. If you enjoy solving problems and learning about computers use Linux. If you'd rather pay both money and time to have a computer you don't have to think about get Windows.


        Re: Give up on Kubuntu

        Originally posted by tariqwahl
        Yup, I finally did it. Today I deleted the partition on my hard drive which contained Kubuntu. I couldnt take it anymore after ages of trying to get any of my 3 different wireless cards to work!
        I feel your pain. Yet, that isn't a linux problem but a problem with the vendors of your wireless cards which, according to your description, don't support linux. After all, if the vendor doesn't write the drivers then who will?

        Better luck next time.


          Re: Give up on Kubuntu

          I, too, feel your pain. Getting WiFi to work in any distribution of Linux has been a bear, especially since the only wireless cards I seem to be able to find around here are Linksys cards with proprietary drivers. And on Kubuntu, ndiswrapper doesn't seem to be enough; I end up having to enter key information manually into /etc/network/interfaces.

          The worst was when I tried to get wireless working under Debian Woody a couple of years ago; I ended up accidentally enabling the DCHP server in my computer, thus rendering every other wireless card in the house useless.

