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Keyboard not working on load up & Amarok issues.

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    Keyboard not working on load up & Amarok issues.

    Hi, I installed Kubuntu onto my pc on Friday, it's generally going well, however I kept XP installed and partitioned my drive as I will need to use it for some programs for my degree, but when I turn my computer on or restart it my keyboard doesn't start working until after it has chosen to load up Kubuntu, I have tried it with a standard USB keyboard and also my Logitech wireless and neither will work until after Kubuntu has loaded. Is there anyway to resolve this? or a way to "switch" OS after kubuntu has loaded?

    Secondly, all of my music is on the XP partition, I managed to get Amarok to recognise MP3s fine but now everytime I shut down and reload my pc I have to reload all the music back into Amarok, is there a way to stop this? or am I going to have to move it all onto the Kubuntu partition?

    Which leads me to a final question, I have a "spare" HDD from our old family PC, what do I need to do to use it for additional storage for my PC? I got the pc from a friend who previously had another HDD inside it so the wiring is still there to connect a second HDD but if I wire it up what will I need to do to get it to work with Kubuntu?

    Sorry for the nooby questions, I hope its all at least understandable.

    Re: Keyboard not working on load up & Amarok issues.

    Originally posted by skoby
    Secondly, all of my music is on the XP partition, I managed to get Amarok to recognise MP3s fine but now everytime I shut down and reload my pc I have to reload all the music back into Amarok, is there a way to stop this? or am I going to have to move it all onto the Kubuntu partition?
    Is the xp partition being automatically mounted on startup? If not that would be a start. Also in amarok you can go to settings>configure amarok>collection and tell it to watch certain folders.

    Which leads me to a final question, I have a "spare" HDD from our old family PC, what do I need to do to use it for additional storage for my PC? I got the pc from a friend who previously had another HDD inside it so the wiring is still there to connect a second HDD but if I wire it up what will I need to do to get it to work with Kubuntu?
    After putting the hd in you will likely want to reformat it. This can be done with qtparted (the same partition editor used during install) which is in the repos. Otherwise you just have to mount it.

    Not sure about the keyboard though sorry.

