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extract iso or copy hidden files

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    extract iso or copy hidden files

    hello.. the subject sounds a bit stupid so its better i explain the issue a bit more.

    I downloaded the iso but i dont want to burn a cd ..
    i want to copy all in a usb stick ( im triing to make a usb bootable device).

    My first attempt was to mount the iso and the device and "cp -fr", but this method dont copy hidden files, so i was thinking .. "how the hell i tell CP to copy also hidden files/directories" or "there is a tool that extract .iso formats like a simple archive" ( as you can do twith tar) ?

    honestly i found a workaround using tar ( since tar put also hidden tiles in the archive)making an archive of the iso and then extract it into "usb device", but im still curious about the 2 questions.. expecially about the "cp issue" since it could come usefull again in future.

    Re: extract iso or copy hidden files

    ok .. solved the cp issue by myself.

    "cp -r test1/ test2/"
    is wrong because copy the dir test1 into test2 non just the files included

    "cp -r test1/* test2/"
    copy the file but avoid hidden files ( so its wrong again)

    "cd test1 ; cp -r . ../test2"
    works ..


      Re: extract iso or copy hidden files

      Originally posted by ghillan
      My first attempt was to mount the iso and the device and "cp -fr", but this method dont copy hidden files

      if you do cp -fr /src/* /dst, then, no, it won't copy hidden files.
      because the expansion of * doesn't include dot files.
      but if you do cp -fr /src /dst, then it'll do what you need.

      Originally posted by ghillan
      is there a tool that extract .iso formats like a simple archive" ( as you can do twith tar)?
      install file-roller from the repos.
      it's for gnome, but it does what you need.

      gnu/linux is not windoze


        Re: extract iso or copy hidden files

        the cp command you're looking for should look like so:
        cp -fr src/* src/.[!.]* dst
        which recursively copies
        - all the regular files and dirs in src (src/*)
        - all the dot files and dirs in src (src/.[!.]*)
        - to destination dir dst

        or that's what i believe it does
        gnu/linux is not windoze


          Re: extract iso or copy hidden files

          Here's how I've done it, for the same kind of application; actual example, taken from one of my how-to's here (under Documentation > How To):

          ISO -- iso files, accessing Access your iso files without burning the CD
          Actual example, let's say the file name is knoppix_5.1.1_plus_sgd_0.9625_demo.isopwd on my Desktop:
          Download the iso file to the Desktop. (If it's a tar.gz file or similar, you get the iso by right-click, Extract Here, or by using ARK under K-Menu > Utilities > ARK.)
          :~$ mkdir /mnt/test # Make a directory /mnt/test for your mount point
          :~$ sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /home/mike/Desktop/knoppix_5.1.1_plus_sgd_0.9625_demo.isopwd /mnt/test # Mount the iso
          # You can also change directories (cd) to /mnt/test, and list (ls) the files to see what's there (under /test).
          # Next, copy the GRUB files /boot/grub to a folder that will be created and called new_grub, say under /tmp
          :~$ cp -R /mnt/test/boot/grub/ /tmp/new_grub
          # Now change the ownership so "mike" can have these files and then unmount it:
          :~$ chown -R mike:mike /tmp/new_grub
          :~$ sudo umount /mnt/test # Unmount /test
          # If you have to invoke root, use sudo (as I have above, when it was necessary).
          # Open Konqueror and go to /tmp/new_grub, you will access the files in /boot, starting with /grub.
          # You can continue work at Konsole, if you wish, or using Konqueror GUI.
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

