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make error.

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    make error.

    make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
    rt2500.ko failed to build!
    make: *** [module] Error 1

    I'm trying to compile the drivers for my wireless card.. but I get this whenever I try to use "make."

    Much help would be appreciated. Please keep in mind that I have no internet connection on Linux.

    Re: make error.

    This might help.
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: make error.

      I installed build-essential, but I'm still getting errors saying basically the same thing.

      Thank you all the same, though.


        Re: make error.

        Could it be that you don't have the kernel headers installed or that your kernel headers no longer correspond to your kernel because you did a kernel upgrade and didn't upgrade the header files?

        Yet another possibility, are you really using kernel 2.6.12-9? My kernel is 2.6.12-10?


          Re: make error.

          All I've done so far is install Kubuntu, then install build-essential. I've done nothing else.

          So yes, I am using kernel 2.6.12-9.

          If you could direct me on how to upgrade the kernel and get the headers, I'd be very grateful. I very much a Linux n00b.


            Re: make error.

            The answer to both of your questions is the same: use Synaptic. so first you have to use install synaptic. From the Konsole
            sudo apt-get install synaptic
            Then K>System>Synaptic Package Manager.

            In Synaptic, click on the circled arrows in the upper left to update your repositories. Then click on search and search for kernel. Page down in the window on the right, until you find linux-image-{whatever}, where whatever is your processor type. I would suggest upgrading to 686, 686-SMP, K6 or K7 depending on your processor. Of course, if you bought your computer in 1985, it might actually be a 386.

            Install the appropriate kernel by clicking on the square on the appropriate line. You may have to right click and then click on install, I don't remeber the original settings for synaptic. After you've got your new kernel, move up in the window on the right and install the linux-headers package that corresponds to your kernel. You also need the package linux-tree. You will probably also want the package linux-doc. You may also need module-init-tools.

            Are you really sure that you need to compile the drivers for your wireless card?


              Re: make error.

              If give it a try, but if it needs an internet connection, I'm screwed.

              Yes, I NEED to compile the drivers, or else the wireless card is useless, and thus, no internet access.

              I have an internet connection in windows (I'm dual booting atm) so is there a way I can download the .deb files or whatever for Synaptic, etc. ?


                Re: make error.

                Unfortunately, if you've installed only Kubuntu, without any Gnome apps, you may need to download and install quite a few packages in order to get Synaptic working. Your best bet is to download only the packages that you need to install in order to compile your wireless driver. The way to perform the download is to go to your breezy main repository and download the packages you absolutely must have, using your windows web browser. Unfortunately to install them you may have to install some other packages as well. You can learn which ones you'll need at the site

                Before I try to explain what you will have to do, I would advise you to go to the Ubuntu wiki site, and search on the term wireless. There is a fairly high probablility that you do not have to compile your wireless driver. (1) It may already exist as an Ubuntu package (2) You may be able to use the windows driver via ndiswrapper or (3) someone else may have already done the heavy lifting. I'm sorry that I didn't make this clear in my previous post.

                If you REALLY, REALLY need to compile the driver for your wireless adaptor, read the information relating to that subject on the Ubuntu wiki. If you then have questions to ask, ask them here.


                  Re: make error.

                  *sigh* Thank you so much.

                  The drivers (RT2500) were in the repositories. I just downloaded them, installed them, and I was all set.

                  I'm currently posting this from Kubuntu! Thank you again!

