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Bookmarks in KPDF

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    Bookmarks in KPDF

    It is simple enough to add a bookmark in KPDF but I cannot figure out how to use them to navigate. It is nice that if I bookmark my page before I close it will reopen to that page, but is there a way to quickly navigate through all the bookmarks I might put into a document as I read it?

    All I can find is a way to go to a page number directly; I can't find a way to go to a bookmark.

    You can teach an old dog new tricks.<br />You just can&#39;t do it with old biscuits.

    Re: Bookmarks in KPDF

    It's not an optimum solution, but your bookmarks will show up as blue paperclips on the thumbnails in the navigation panel. The bookmark will be there if you close and then reopen KPDF.

    Time for a feature request, or program and submit a patch to the KPDF maintainer.


    &quot;Commonsense is on perpetual backorder&quot;<br />Linux User #165194


      Re: Bookmarks in KPDF

      Thanks! I'll submit one; it will take me a bit before I am smart enough to write my own fix, but I am working on it.

      Can I assume that sending it via the bug report tool is acceptable?

      You can teach an old dog new tricks.<br />You just can&#39;t do it with old biscuits.


        Re: Bookmarks in KPDF

        You're most welcome!

        IMHO, I'd say no, as lack of a feature is not really a bug.

        The Help/About dialog for KPDF has an authors tab, complete with email addresses. I'd think that would be the way to go!

        Please let us know what they say!


        &quot;Commonsense is on perpetual backorder&quot;<br />Linux User #165194

