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Grub problem not solved

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    Grub problem not solved

    My system has started throwing a Grub 17. I have managed to get my WinXP going again, and then formatted all the extra partitions. Then I did a fresh Breezy install. Everything goes well until reboot. Now I get a GRUB 22 error. I never experienced any problems before with Grub or installation of Breezy, and believe me, I went through a couple of them with the same CD to play with different options etc.

    This thing now causes me to completely be unable to use Kubuntu and its driving me nuts. :' I searched Google and the forums, found the reason over and over, but is still unable to get a working system, even with a fresh install. Anyone with any idea why I am unable to install anymore?

    Currently I have three disks.
    One for WinXP
    One for Share between Linux and XP
    One for Linux only.
    The latter two I formatted completely, set up new partitions, and still it won't work.
    My bios is unchanged from my previous working setup, although I have tried a few suggestions in changing my Bios.

    Re: Grub problem not solved

    What can I say, Grub does not boot in my system either. I use LILO. But I needed things in the command line, K/Ubuntu should support both lilo and grub IMHO. I have always had better luck with LILO ... is there any way you can try using lilo ?


      Re: Grub problem not solved


      lmilano : it's funny I had exactly contrary experiences really funny how it differs from people to others.

      GrootBrak, it would be much easier if you can give your disks map and content of your grub config file (/boot/grub/menu.lst) if you can't boot to linux, you can get information by typing 'e' over the menu list you'd like to boot


        Re: Grub problem not solved

        Hi Sky

        True, funny how things go. That's why I think both GRUB and LILO should be supported. Mandriva does that. The postinstall script for the kernels are ok with either one (they'll include the new kernel, etc). In Kubuntu I have to do it manually ...

        Cheers !


          Re: Grub problem not solved

          Originally posted by sky

          GrootBrak, it would be much easier if you can give your disks map and content of your grub config file (/boot/grub/menu.lst) if you can't boot to linux, you can get information by typing 'e' over the menu list you'd like to boot
          Nah, not my case here. I don't even get to the choices. To restore WinXp I use a Hirense disk from a friend. I actually used winXP to format the disks, first to NTFS and then run the breezy install disk, partitioned the spare capacity and install the shebang. Then my PC reboots to finish off, and Grub 17 or 22 comes up. No extra screens for selections. When I restore windows, it shows my partitions just as I set them up.

          I am unable to edit the grub menu, and even if I could, I don't have a clue what to do. From the install disk I run "rescue", but at the command prompt, I am clueless as what to do to clear the fault. The problem is that I don't have a complete install since the PC hangs at reboot, so I don't know if it would help trying to change the grub menu. :P


            Re: Grub problem not solved

            I have been working through GRUB Boot Errors on my hda & hdb.
            Maybe I can help.
            What is the contents of your /boot/grub/menu.lst?
            The Truly Educated Never Graduate!


              Re: Grub problem not solved

              Thanx. I have solved my hassles by ripping out all but one HDD on my system. (there used to be three.) They all work by themselves as masters. Now I installed dapper straight to it as stand-alone. After that was sucessfull, I popped one HDD back with my windows still on it. I can see the drive, but I cannot boot from it.
              I edited Grub a bit to add windows. Here's my grub list below. When I select windows, my system just hangs. I suspect the windows bit I added is wrong. My windows disk is listed as hdb1. I am running WinXP professional on the disk and would appreciate it if you tell my what I should do to be able to boot windows again. O yes, the windows disk is now a slave, don't know if that could be the problem.

              ## ## End Default Options ##

              title Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-23-386
              root (hd0,0)
              kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 root=/dev/hde1 ro quiet splash
              initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-23-386

              title Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-23-386 (recovery mode)
              root (hd0,0)
              kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 root=/dev/hde1 ro single
              initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-23-386

              title Ubuntu, memtest86+
              root (hd0,0)
              kernel /boot/memtest86+.bin

              title WindowsXP
              root (hd1,0)
              chainloader +1


                Re: Grub problem not solved

                Try installing the second drive as a "slave".
                If it's an IDE or EIDE drive, then you can connect two drives with one 'Ribbon' Cable which plugs into your Mainboard/Motherboard, Slot marked IDE-1.
                That's how my PC works.
                The hard drive should have some PINS on one of the ends next to where the power cable goes.
                There should be small "jumpers" that are pressed on the Numbered Pins to set the drive's configuration for 'Master' or 'Slave'.
                Check the drive's manufacturer's website if the Pin Configuration is not printed on the drive's label.
                Let me know how it goes.
                The Truly Educated Never Graduate!


                  Re: Grub problem not solved

                  Cannot do it that way! My motherboard have only one IDE slot, and the two ports on the ribbon cable is used for my first (Linux) HDD master and DVD ROM slave. I use a raid card in my PCI slots for the next HDD and CD Writer. Both on a seperate ribbon, and then since they have different IDE's, they must be set as masters. When I have it any other way, esp. two HDD's on the onboard IDE, I get the cute Grub errors. At least now I can boot up!


                    Re: Grub problem not solved

                    Sorry I couldn't help.
                    Good Luck.
                    The Truly Educated Never Graduate!


                      Re: Grub problem not solved

                      I think you will find that the problem is your current drive set up, Windows cannot boot from a slave drive. also your system will always look for IDE drives first before Raid or more properly in your case SATA therefor I would suggest that you connect your two DVD/CD drives to the IDE interface and your two HD,s to your RAID controller. If one of your HD is plain IDE ABIT make an addapter for about £12. If you are really attached to your present setup Linux can boot from a slave so use the drive you want to install Linux to as the IDE slave. also to save you some time you do not need to format a HD to install Linux, the install will do it for you.
                      I do not think that this is your problem but just for your information Linux can read NTFS partitions but not write to them so if you do format the HD under windoz use FAT32 the same applies if you want Linux and windoz to have a shared file system.
                      Finally before you start it might be advisable to reset the system defaults in BIOS.

                      Regards John

                      p.s. Forgot to mention with some BIOS setups that do not offer the options to boot from Add in cards it is nessasary to set boot order to boot from SCSI.

