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Menu Editor Entries

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    Menu Editor Entries

    I can create hotkeys to open applications in KDE.

    In the system settings->accessibility->input actions, I can see the menu editor entries (the shortcuts created from the toolbar) and the executable for these entries are represented like this


    for my shortcut to open a konquerer browser.

    Is there a way to access the different desktops I have configured directly as a member variable? In other words, if I had a desktop named 'Internet' could I force the browser to open on that desktop by using an altered menu editor entry, something like:


    (of course, that is not it, I have already tried it, which is why I am back here )

    This would also help me to learn how the different variables of the desktop are controlled in kde; can I assume they are widgets like I used in my limited experience with QT?

    You can teach an old dog new tricks.<br />You just can&#39;t do it with old biscuits.

    Re: Menu Editor Entries

    Have you tried with the kstart ?

    man kstart
    KSTART(1) application launch utility KSTART(1)

    kstart - Utility to launch applications with special window properties

    kstart [Qt-options] [KDE-options] [options] command
    --desktop <number>
    Desktop on which to make the window appear

    => kstart --desktop 2 konqueror
    Opens konqueror on the desktop #2
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Menu Editor Entries

      There's another way to do this too -

      1) Open the program how and where you want it.

      2) Left-click on the window's control menu (usually leftmost on the title bar), and select "Configure Window Behavior..."

      3) Click on Window-Specific Setting in the section selection on the left side of the window, then click the "New..." button on the right.

      4) Click the "Detect" button, and select your desired window with the cross-hairs cursor, then select the appropriate options on the resulting dialog box. Don't forget a description...

      5) Go to the "Geometry" tab and have fun with the settings there...

      6) Click all the "OK" buttons you need to, and Bob's your uncle!

      I usually use the "Apply Initially" setting, so I can change things around later, if I want to, and the changes will only be for the current session.

      IMHO, this is one of the greatest things about KDE's window managemen!


      &quot;Commonsense is on perpetual backorder&quot;<br />Linux User #165194


        Re: Menu Editor Entries

        I like that about the desktop, also. Having the programs open where and how I want them to is very nice, and is surprisingly easy to configure (both textually and via GUI) once I was pointed in the right direction.

        Thanks everyone!
        You can teach an old dog new tricks.<br />You just can&#39;t do it with old biscuits.

