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Fresh Install 8.04 No GUI

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    Fresh Install 8.04 No GUI

    (Total Linux Newbie - First Post)

    MotherBoard ASUS M2N-MX SE Plus (Incorporated nVidea GEForce 6100 Graphics)
    Monitor Samsung SyncMaster 740n
    4Gb Ram

    After a fresh install, I get the Kubuntu logo then a blank screen.
    After reading many threads here, I did ctl+alt+F1 logged in and typed...
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

    At this point, I get a message...

    Fatal Server Error
    Server is already active for display 0
    If the server is no longer running, remove /tmp/X0-lock and start again.
    Then there is a pause for a few seconds and I get this message...

    Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keygiving up
    xinit: Resource temporaily unavailable (errno11): unable to connect server
    xinit: No such process (errno3): Server error.
    so now, I type...

    sudo rm /tmp/.X0-lock
    and type

    At this point I get a whole page of text.
    Unless really necessary, I won't type it all, but summarized it is...

    Unable to find a valid framebuffer device
    failed to open framebuffer device
    Screen(s) found but none have usable configuration

    Fatal server error
    no screens found
    xinit: Connection reset by peer (errno 104) unable to connect to server
    xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error
    As I said - I am comletely new to Linux, but looking at that line

    Screen(s) found but none have usable configuration
    ...makes me think this is the problem

    I looked in xorg.conf and it seems very minimal

    Here is what lloks like the appropriate section (the rest appears to be Keyboard/ Mouse etc. )
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "Configured Video Device"
    Option "UseFBDev" "true"

    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "Configured Monitor"

    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Default Screen"
    Monitor "Configured Monitor"
    Device "Configured Video Device"
    So you see, I am stuck

    If anyone has any thoughts at all, I'd be very grateful to hear from you.

    BTW, is there a way of getting all the text of the screen and sending it to a working PC so that I can give more accurate error reports?

    Many thanks

    Re: Fresh Install 8.04 No GUI

    Your xorg.conf does indeed look meagre!

    In my limited experience I would 1) attempt to reconfigure xorg again and if that fails b) attempt to install the proprietary NVIDIA driver. Perhaps others have better ideas, but here goes:

    1) do CTRL + ALT + F1 again and type
    sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
    BTW, did you know you don't have to type everything in? Linux has an autocomplete feature - type sudo /e TAB - then in TAB - . TAB and so on...
    Once KDM has definitely stopped try
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
    again followed by
    sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
    If you don't get a login screen I'd try the NVIDIA driver, but report back first...
    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


      Re: Fresh Install 8.04 No GUI

      On second thoughts, before you go through the steps in my previous post, got to tty1 again (ctrl + alt +f1) and bring your system up-to-date by typing
      sudo apt-get update
      followed by
      sudo apt-get upgrade
      Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


        Re: Fresh Install 8.04 No GUI

        I tried running the upgrade command but after around ten minutes of downloading, the screen turned black and the keyboard was unresponsive.

        The only response I got was to a ctl+alt+delete which rebooted the box.

        Now I get a login prompt, but when I enter my details, I get a few lines telling me that I'm using Ubuntu and there is absolutely no Waranty etc then I get my login prompt again, and again, and again....

        Oh dear - not the best intro to Linux

        Once again, any thoughts are much appreciated.


          Re: Fresh Install 8.04 No GUI

          Yep, that reminds me of my first encounter with Linux -- Kubuntu 6.06 and an ATI Radeon card.

          It looks like the installer is doing a really bad job of recognizing that integrated Nvidia chip. You might review this:

          If it were me, I would boot "Recovery Console", log in, and do
          sudo apt-get install envyng-core
          Assuming you have the standard repositories enabled, that will install the Envy script installer. When the installation is finished, enter
          sudo envyng -t
          to run the script in text mode. Choose #1 "Install the Driver" and I'll cross my fingers that it detects the GF 6100 correctly.


            Re: Fresh Install 8.04 No GUI

            I've just gone into the recovery mode....

            Loads of messages whizzing past, then.....

            *setting up console font & keymap [fail]
            Segmentation fault
            init: rcS-sulogin main process (4706) terminated with status 139
            ...and the cursor is just blinking away merrily - no sure if I should type anything or not


              Re: Fresh Install 8.04 No GUI

              BTW dibl,
              That was one of the first threads I read.

              When I entered this...
              sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
              I was not asked (at all) about video config.

              It was entirely keyboard related.


                Re: Fresh Install 8.04 No GUI

                off the wall, but is your graphics card enabled in the BIOS?
                Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                  Re: Fresh Install 8.04 No GUI

                  Originally posted by tHud

                  *setting up console font & keymap [fail]
                  Segmentation fault
                  init: rcS-sulogin main process (4706) terminated with status 139
                  It's pretty bad when Recovery Mode fails -- there's something rather fundamental wrong here. Does the console work when you boot the Live CD?


                    Re: Fresh Install 8.04 No GUI

                    @ toad - yes mate

                    @ dibl - Yes. First I get a black screen, then ctl+alt+f1 and I get a command line.
                    I tried a few simple commands (ls cd top) and they were ok.

                    I tried 'startx' and saw this again...
                    Fatal Server Error
                    Server is already active for display 0
                    If the server is no longer running, remove /tmp/X0-lock and start again.


                      Re: Fresh Install 8.04 No GUI

                      Just noticed something whilst trying the live cd again.

                      When I say my screen is black, thats's not entirely the case...

                      First it's a very bright white which fades to black - I don't know if that's significant or just typical LCD screen behaviour.

                      Anyhow, whilst the screen was fading to black I saw a very faint dialogue box in the center of the screen. I could barely read it, but the message appeared to say something like "This isn't the optimal setting for your monitor"

                      So it appears that it is possible the system is capable of displaying 'something'.



                        Re: Fresh Install 8.04 No GUI

                        The fact that reconfiguring xorg does not ask any questions about your monitor is most interesting and I cannot come up with a reasonable explanation other than a hardware glitch (cables, BIOS settings - although you've covered that, whatever...). As the old saying goes, start at the wall

                        Having said that, you tried any other distros? Perhaps they make sense of your weird monitor and you can import the settings (if you want to stick to Kubuntu). I'd try knoppix, sidux or mepis (that should have the different debian flavours covered...).
                        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                          Re: Fresh Install 8.04 No GUI

                          When you say "import the settings"... How would I do that?
                          Is it the xorg.conf file only?
                          Or something else as well?


                            Re: Fresh Install 8.04 No GUI

                            One step at a time If another distro manages to detect your monitor et al I would then google the model/chipset against ubuntu and see what comes up. If that proves a dead end, compare xorg versions and, if they are the same, I'd try to just copy the xorg.conf over, although you'd probably have to insert a few modules as well.

                            For me it would be a case of live and learn, but I'm sure there are others here who have plenty more experience and knowledge...
                            Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                              Re: Fresh Install 8.04 No GUI

                              If you can dig up another, more generic monitor just to test if it really is your monitor or something else (like xorg configuration).

                              Or try a different cable type connection.
                              I am not an expert but I believe some monitors have two different types of cable connections.
                              HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                              4 GB Ram
                              Kubuntu 18.10

