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safe update broke computer

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    safe update broke computer


    Running Kubuntu 7.10 64 bit. I tried to apply a Safe Update from the Adept menu.

    The update did not complete, the message was something about possible broken or incompatible packages.

    Now when I try to boot the computer I get the message "kernel panic, try passing init=option to the kernel".

    What? I have no clue.

    Please help!

    Tweak it 'til it breaks, then learn how to fix it!  LIFE

    Re: safe update broke computer

    Possibly among update packages was a new kernel or update was generating/updating initrd image. Try oldest kernel available in boot options or remove initrd option from boot sequence. Hopefully it will help.


      Re: safe update broke computer

      Thanks for your reply mfabry!

      I read your post, unfortunately I only understand the words used, not necessarily the meaning of your advice. Sorry, me Noob.

      I booted the computer and when Grub started, hit ESC to enter options. I only have one kernel and it's recovery mode listed, plus a memtest.

      I selected the kernel and looked at the resulting lines of text. I did not see anything which, to me, had anything to do with your suggestions so I left it alone and exited.

      The actual message I receive when the boot fails is :

      Kernel panic - not syncing: No init found. Try passing init=option to kernel.

      There is a line in the kernel's boot options which has "initrd" as part of it.

      Any further help would be greatly appreciated. I am really hoping to avoid having to re-install.

      Tweak it 'til it breaks, then learn how to fix it!  LIFE


        Re: safe update broke computer

        I tried to boot after removing initrd line from boot sequence - it doesn't work on Ubuntu generic kernels. Your options are as follows:
        1. Reinstall
        2. Make a new initrd image, which I think might be a little tricky to a newbie. To do this you would have to boot from a live cd. Then mount root partition of your Ubuntu installation. Change root location with chroot command. Make a new initrd image and edit grub configuration. No guaranties it would work.

        Now all depends how badly you want to repair the system.


          Re: safe update broke computer

          Not that badly.

          Since this won't be my first re-install I have a system.

          My /home is on a separate partition and all steps of the previous install are logged for me to follow if needing re-install.

          Any suggestions on whether I should take this opportunity to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04?

          I've played with the Live CD and am unsure if I gain anything other than a new learning curve when I haven't gotten to the top of the one I'm on.

          Your input would be greatly appreciated.

          Tweak it 'til it breaks, then learn how to fix it!  LIFE


            Re: safe update broke computer

            I'm new to Ubuntu as well. After a serious hardware upgrade I chose to migrate from Debian so I have no previous experience with 7.10. I use 8.04 since alpha stage and I'm quite happy with it. You can always play around with remnants of your Ubuntu and then check out a newer version Keeping /home on separate partition is a prudent policy. So is keeping a bunch of old kernels.

