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[boot problems] Have XP - can't load Kubuntu

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    [boot problems] Have XP - can't load Kubuntu


    I have PC with XP and I try to install Kubuntu 8.04.
    I have hardisk 40 GB with 3 partition:
    - hda1 NTFS
    - hda2 Linux Swap
    - hda3 ext2 / system

    #First run:
    I successfully finish installing Kubuntu + grub loader and the system restart.
    The computer give same old message and then there's an error:
    "Fail to load boot load" ~or so..
    I can't remember it, all I can think is "oh... no.. what have I done"

    #Second run:
    I then install XP and the boot back to normal. (At least I can work again now)
    But I still curious and I try to install Kubuntu. I - again - successfully finish installing
    Kubuntu without grub loader. And so the system restart. (Yes!!)

    Then the sad things happen. There's no option to boot to Kubuntu.

    #Try to fix:
    I think this could be easily fix by add
    to boot.ini in XP. Well .. it failed. I do try other combination such as:

    And then I get depress.... T_T
    I start searching in the Internet and all I found is something like:
    Then I try to locate such file in Linux partition using Kubuntu live mode.
    But I can't find it.

    I also try to find answer from other topics in this forum, but it seems I pick
    wrong query. And so I decide to start a new topic.
    I was wondering:
    1. Is it possible for me (base on my case) to load Kubuntu using windows boot loader?
    I do think it's possible, that's why I choose to not install grub load. (Maybe I'm wrong)
    2. If is it possible how could I make it work?
    3. If is not possible, what should I do to make it work?
    4. What causing my problem?

    Thank you...

    ~ooohhh... I feel so patheic T_T

    Re: [boot problems] Have XP - can't load Kubuntu

    You're doing fine. It's normal to encounter these dual-boot issues. And you are learning a lot that other people never think of.

    Boot Linux from Windows: Four sources as follows ...

    Boot Linux from Windows (I have never done this myself):
    He’s a Windows guy, getting NTLDR to load Linux; if you dump Linux, easy to reverse.
    Moral Volcano: Multi-boot Oss. >>> I like this one <<< fwiw
    “This webpage is to explain how I set up boot.ini in Windows and install WinGrub to boot either Windows via its own bootloader NTLDR or Linux via WinGrub, without touching the MBR.”
    This is also an EXCELLENT source.

    Ed’s Software Guide on Linux:

    Technique is clearly described in Chapter 4 of Linux in a Nutshell.
    Chapter 4 happens to be the freely downloadable sample chapter @ O'Reilly

    - - - - - - - - -
    - - - - - - - - -

    Boot XP from Linux using GRUB:

    Or, use my how-to if you wish to boot XP using GRUB (BUT, that WILL overwrite your Windows bootloader):

    How To GRUB Methods - Toolkit

    (fwiw, it's easy to boot XP using GRUB from Linux !!! )

    (the bigpond reference I gave you above also covers GRUB dual-booting)
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: [boot problems] Have XP - can't load Kubuntu

      Thanks for the reply.

      I have read your reference and all assume that I have successfully boot to Kubuntu.
      The idea is to load grub loader using nt loader.

      Since the assumption is not apply to me so I could not use their method.
      So I try - once again install Kubuntu with grub loader. And hey it works... (Yay!!!)

      But still I am still wondering why in my first run it failed to work.


      ~thank you
      ~now I think I am a happy guy


        Re: [boot problems] Have XP - can't load Kubuntu

        Glad you got it working, shuyuie. Good work!
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

