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Help with wireless networking DL-610 to a DI-614+

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    Help with wireless networking DL-610 to a DI-614+

    Good morning,

    I've just installed Kubunto onto a Dell M70, and I have to say, I'm impressed. It just worked. I've never had a Linux distro that actually installed power management by default, and had audio work correctly.

    Well, almost just worked.

    I haven't had luck getting my wireless networking working yet. After reading various articles and messages, I've got the card running using ndiswrapper.

    I've used iwconfig to configure the card.

    And it *almost* works.

    If I put the card in Ad-hoc mode, it sees the ESSID, and the card connects. I can not ping the DI-614+ though. However, if I do an

    iwconfig wlan0 scan

    it shows all of the details of the AP

    But, if I put the card in Managed mode, I can not set the ESSID, and it will not connect to the wireless network. My network is in Infrastructure mode.

    My card is a DL-610 (although in lspci it reports as a 510)
    My windows boxes have no problems connecting to the Wireless net. I've turned off encryption on the router until this is resolved.

    If anyone can give any suggestions, I would appreciate it.

    Let me know what output would help, and I'll be happy to post it.

    Thanks for the help.


    Re: Help with wireless networking DL-610 to a DI-614+

    Sorry for the belated reply, especially since I know absolutely nothing about wireless, (and I intend to keep it that way). I do know that, for best results, you should have posted this topic in the Network Support section of the forum devoted to the edition of Kubuntu (Gutsy, Hardy, ...) that you are using. That's where the wireless expert are likely to hang out. I'd move it for you, if I knew which edition you're using.


      Re: Help with wireless networking DL-610 to a DI-614+

      I just installed a LAN manager from Add/Remove programs and it did everything for me.

