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PCMCIA Modem connects, but no internet recognized.

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    PCMCIA Modem connects, but no internet recognized.

    Hi Guys,

    Just wanted to fill you in on a little info. I reinstalled KPP after my other users on the system could not connect to the internet. I was able to connect to the internet and surf under the "First User." Other users on the system could not even bring up the KPPP application...only the first profile could. So what i did is i went to the library (That had wireless and the wireless worked on all profiles), and i uninstalled and reinstalled KPPP. This solve the problem of allowing other users to get into the KPPP application.

    I am using a PCMCIA modem that the computer recognizes as com1. Now all users can connect through the modem and it says it successfully connects at 50,000 KPS or higher. However, when i load up thunderbird, konversation, and firefox. It can't recognize any servers. I thought that maybe it would be another "other user" i went back to the main account where i first had success before uninstalling kppp the first time. It didn't connect to the applications there either, even though KPPP successfully connected again.

    What could be the problem? Am i doing something wrong? When i reinstalled KPPP i also tried playing with other applications like Guarddog and Firestarter...could those applications have blocked access to other users. I didn't know, so i uninstalled those applications...and still no connection through firefox, evolution, etc. Help with this problem would be much appreciated. Thanks

    Re: PCMCIA Modem connects, but no internet recognized.

    You may need to setup the DNS address for your dialup account in KPPP. If you have not done this, you'll need to get the DNS addresses from the ISP (usually just a quick call to the ISP tech support, sometimes tier 2 support), then open KPPP > Configure > Accounts > Edit > DNS > Enter DNS1 > Add > Enter DNS2 > Add. Save the settings and try connecting.

    If it still does not work, you may need to do what I am stuck with doing... ensure that the wireless is disabled before attempting dialup connections. (annoying when I'm trying to go from my test webserver to live online)

    Hope this helps some.
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