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7 Steps to Get D-Link DWL-G510 rev B Wireless Card Working

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    7 Steps to Get D-Link DWL-G510 rev B Wireless Card Working

    I am writing this post to hopefully short circuit some configuration angst for folks trying to get the G510 wireless card to work under KUBUNTU 5.1 without resorting to ndiswrapper. There are several pretty important details that are not documented very well (at least for someone not familiar with lunix/unix).

    This should work for other Atheros chipset cards as well.

    I spent several hours/evenings trying to get things working and ended up being able to do this withough using ndiwrapper (yeah!) and using the ath_pci driver that ships with the ISO. That includes using 128 bit WEP.

    After much searching around, I found bits here and bits there that let me fill in the blanks for using the MADWiFi ath_pci driver, including some of what I would fit into the secret sauce category.

    Here goes. These are the steps I did. YMMV. Some of them may be unnecessary and I am sure I overdid the sudo command, but this the sequence that worked for me! Keep in mind as well I am a total newbie to Linux. There are a few places where I waited which seemed to do the trick. If I blazed right through the sequence, the changes did not seem to have time to go into effect. Why? I have no idea and have run out of time to even contemplate.

    Steps 1-3 may not be absolutely necessary, but I figured it reduced the variables that needed to be addressed.
    1. sudo ifconfig eth0 down
    2. sudo ifconfig ath0 down
    3. sudo ifconfig ath0 up

    I waited a minute or so here.
    4. sudo iwconfig ath0 key <put key here>
    I found that if there was not a "-" every 4 characters, then I could never log onto my router! There was never a repsonse one way or another whether I had a valid key, except when I would try and get an IP address. If you can get an address, you got it, if not, try again!
    5. sudo iwpriv ath0 authmode 2
    This was a super important step so that the key would be used. I tried and tried before discovering this key config item.
    6. iwconfig ath0 essid "network name here"
    I waited a minute or so here.
    7. dhclient ath0

    Voila. Network Connectivity (at least for me).

    Well, maybe 8 steps! One additional step may be required before step 6 and that is sudo iwconfig ath0 channel 6. The driver defaults to channel 1 and I know a lot of routers default to channel 6 (at least the ones I have used).

    You now should be up and running and move on to get it to run in g mode as well with sudo iwpriv ath0 mode 3. That iwpriv ends up being a pretty handy command.

    This ipost s an extremely abreviated version of the MadWiFi First Time How To guide with some clarifications.

    Be sure and have handy the ubuntu wireless troubleshooting guide for descriptions useful diagnostic commands. For example, the iwconfig and ifconfig are great for seeing if you OS can see the hardware and the drivers are loaded. Seeing that information was a big aha as I saw that the as shipped kubuntu driver was workign and getting ndiswrapper to work was perhaps a too time consuming task and I would have to learn on how to uninstall drivers adn such, which at this poitn is too much learning for me at the moment.