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is there support for mexican keyboards?

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    is there support for mexican keyboards?

    installing kubuntu 8.04 today. I have the typical keyboard used throughout mexico, in fact I have no idea where I might be able to buy any other type. it is what in windows would be called "spanish (international sort)" I was unable to find any options while installing that were correct for my keyboard. I finally used the basic spanish option but it does not work for all of the keys for example I have not yet found where the \ backslash is. which would be at (ctrl+alt+the key where the ~ tilda is on an american keyboard) on the mexican keyboard. anyway help would be appreciated.

    Re: is there support for mexican keyboards?

    Sorry for the delayed response. I'm not sure I can help, but nobody else has, so I'll give it a shot. First of all, are you aware that we have a Spanish language forum? I would assume that there are a number of members there who have had to face this problem. They could give you a better answer than I can.

    There are two variables in the internationalization (i18n) module (K >"System Settings">"Regional & Language">"Keyboard Layout") that control which keypress generates what code (and how it is interpreted. They are "Keyboard Model", which has an extensive set of (mostly obsolete) keyboards to choose from and "available layouts", which has both "Spain" and "Latin America" listed. I'd suggest trying a variety of combinations.

    As you may know, "System Settings" is an (over-)simplified version of the standard KDE setup GUI. The real version Kcontrol GUI can be reached by hitting Alt-F2 (at least with a US keyboard) and entering the command "kdesudo kcontrol". Unforunately,, I don't believe the keyboard layout module is different.

    Alternatively, you can try to reselect your keyboard from the konsole (K>System>konsole) by running the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg".


      Re: is there support for mexican keyboards?

      thank you for your help. I did not search in the spanish language forum because while I live in mexico, it is only my third language, and I feel somewhat more comfortable in english(also I did not search well enough to notice that there were spanish forums,sorry) taking time to answer is not a problem, only today did I check back to find your answer(2nd or 3rd time I checked, I believe, but it has been a while) You may assume that I am completely ignorant of even the most basic concepts related to the configuration of kubuntu. I do appreciate your trying to help. today I will be trying to follow your advice, which I hope will help to free me of my dependence on what has been becoming (in my opinion) an oppressivly expensive OS

      anyway thanks,


