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plasmold i'd like to know more about it

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    plasmold i'd like to know more about it

    hi everybody

    this is korea i'm a beginner i have a lots of things to be solved by you
    my problems is this,,,,

    i'm gonna add some items more in plasmold but i have no idea of how to do,,,,,,,
    i have only simple items in my plasmold [ i installed kubuntu 8.04-kde 4 version ]

    there is no sheet note [ i mean yellow coloured sheet that i can wright]

    could you give me a tip to how to install more items in plasmold [calender, another clock,sheet ,etc,,,more] i visited at downloaded some items
    but i have no idea about how to do next step is really frustrating me
    step by step very easily teach me please,,,,,

    and would you look at this

    what is that effect? i can also spin it around as effect if i installed the item in my plasmold?

    if you know it please let me know about it
    which is really helpful to me

    Re: plasmold i'd like to know more about it

    Install extragear-plasma from the repositories. That will give you extra widgets.

    (It's p-l-a-s-m-o-i-d-s with an I not an L as the seventh letter)
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: plasmold i'd like to know more about it

      Also there is community maintained repository that you can add to your third party repository list:
      It has some plasma widgets and plasma themes that you can then add, and it will probably grow through time...
      I'm magnet for errors, problems and bugs...


        Re: plasmold i'd like to know more about it

        could you let us in on the secret of adding:
        to the sources.lst?

        I tried but it wouldn't update/work.


          Re: plasmold i'd like to know more about it

          could you give me a tip to how to install more items in plasmold [calender, another clock,sheet ,etc,,,more] i visited at downloaded some items
          but i have no idea about how to do next step is really frustrating me
          step by step very easily teach me please,,,,,

          > > Content > Plasmoids > plasma-netgraph 0.2

          Depends on: KDE 4.x

          Plasma-netgraph is a plasmoid,
          that displays network usage and is
          comprised of a configurable applet
          and a data-engine.

          The data-engine is, for the most part,
          code copied from knetload[1] and wrapped with the plasma API.
          Clicking: how to install
          How to install a Plasmoid

          * tar -xvf plasmoid.tar.gz
          * cd plasmoid
          * mkdir build
          * cd build
          * cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/lib/kde4/
          * cmake ..
          * make
          * sudo make install OR su -c "make install"
          * Have fun! :-)
          Note !
          .deb package
          by ansani on: Apr 15 2008

          Hi !!!

          I made a Debian/Kubuntu package for your plasmoid


          Good piece of software !!!!


          More of compiling: FAQ: Installing from source

          PPA for Onlinelli

          Some KDE 4 plasmoids.

          apt sources.list entries
          Display sources.list entries for: Hardy Heron

          deb hardy main
          deb-src hardy main

          man sorces.list
          The /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory provides a way to add
          sources.list entries in seperate files that end with .list. The format
          is the same as for the regular sources.list file.


          One way to do:

          Press alt + f2 type: kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ppaplasmoids.list

          drop there:

          update package database:
          sudo apt-get update
          Now there should be something like this:
          apt-cache search plasmoid
          kepas - KDE Easy Publish and Share
          kwin-style-powder - Powder plasmaoid window decoration for kde
          kwin-style-serenity - plasmoid inspired window decoration for KDE
          plasmoid-showdesktop - KDE4 plasmoid for showing the dashboard
          plasmoid-netgraph - KDE4 Plasmoid for displaying the network load
          plasmoid-email-notify - KDE4 Plasmoid for checking e-mails
          plasmoid-wifi - KDE4 Plasmoid (Plasma Wifi) displaying the strength of a WiFi signal
          plasmoid-am3rok - KDE4 plasmoid for controlling Amarok 1.4.x
          plasmoid-toggle-compositing - KDE4 Plasmoid for switching compositing on/off
          plasmoid-countdown - KDE4 plasmoid for a simple countdown.
          plasmoid-system-status - KDE4 plasmoid displaying system load (CPU, RAM, Swap)
          plasmoid-prettytasks - KDE4 Plasmoid for MacOS X like dock
          plasmoid-coremoid - KDE4 Plasmoid displaying the CPU load and frequency.
          plasmoid-quicklauncher - KDE4 Plasmoid for launching applications from the panel (or from elswhere)

          About PPA repositories

          > Canonical Announces Launch of Launchpad 'Personal Package Archive' Service For Developers

          About package managers (apt, adept, synaptic...)

          > FAQ: Package Managers
          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information


            Re: plasmold i'd like to know more about it

            Thankx rog dropping those lines into sources.list did it for me


              Re: plasmold i'd like to know more about it

              hi there please help me for geek

              i'm wondering if there any passiblity of installing plasmoid in kubunu 8.04 hardy heron like kde 4?

              i have 2 versions of kubuntu 8.04 [1, kubuntu 8.04 hardy heron / 2, kubuntu 8.04 kde4]


                Re: plasmold i'd like to know more about it

                In a Word: No.
                kde3 does not support pasmoids.
                HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                4 GB Ram
                Kubuntu 18.10

