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Kubuntu live CD on Toshiba Satellite M 70

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    Kubuntu live CD on Toshiba Satellite M 70

    I have Toshiba satellite M 70. I want to use kubuntu live CD, downloading it. I want to know some things,

    1- Can I use internet with dial up via modem of my noyebook on this live CD( before I tried puppy linux live CD but it did not recogvize my modem and I was not able to use internet). This is my main issue.
    2- Can I work with work documents on it.
    3- Is it easy to use. I never used linux except for the trial I mentioned above. I don,t know commands like DOS.
    4- What about the security issue. I mean being a live CD, I can,t install any antivirus or firewall. Does these CDs have Antivirus software as well( seems a rather silly question!)


    Re: Kubuntu live CD on Toshiba Satellite M 70

    Welcome to Linux! I'll take your questions in order.
    1) The reason for a live CD is to answer questions about whether kubuntu will recognize particular hardware. I know that some users are using dialup modems with Kubuntu. You need a program called kppp. I don't know whether it's on the live CD, but I think so.

    2) What do you mean "work documents"? If you mean documents that were generated with Microsoft Office, the answer is yes. You can use a package called Open Office, it has a word processor that understands word.doc files, a spreadsheet that reads excel.xls files, a presentation generator that reads powerpoint.ppt files and ... You get the idea.

    3) Kubuntu is easy to use, but it will take some time to learn it. You didn't learn how to use windows in one day and you won't learn Linux in one day either. You will find the command line interface very familiar. Why, because the guys who wrote DOS were familiar with Unix. The main differences that I find are that options start with - instead with /, because directories are separated with / and not with \. You'll be pleased how much more powerful Bash is than Dos, but it will take you some time to learn all the tricks.

    4) Linux is safer than Windows because your logged in user does not have the power to really messup the machine, so a cracker who gets into linux, usually, can't do anything really bad. What's more, Kubuntu is safer than most Linux distributions, because it doesn't use Root logins it uses "sudo" instead. You'll find out about that when you start using Linux.

    Try it. You'll like it!


      Re: Kubuntu live CD on Toshiba Satellite M 70

      Originally posted by askrieger
      Welcome to Linux! I'll take your questions in order.
      1) I know that some users are using dialup modems with Kubuntu. You need a program called kppp. I don't know whether it's on the live CD, but I think so.
      Thanks for the detailed reply.

      I wish I could know it before I am going to download it.

      I have searched on the forums and heard many people complaining that they can,t use linux live CD,s with their modem esp on laptops( different distros).

      Have u any information about Kanotix, it might work with my laptop modem?
      Sorry to bother you,


        Re: Kubuntu live CD on Toshiba Satellite M 70

        Kanotix is a very popular live cd distro. I don't like it, because it refuses to play music on my laptop. I use Knoppix, instead. I believe that Knoppix has the best hardware detection system in the Linux community. So it is very likely to work with your computer, but it is not as easy for beginners as is Kubuntu.


          Re: Kubuntu live CD on Toshiba Satellite M 70

          Originally posted by askrieger
          Kanotix is a very popular live cd distro.  I don't like it, because it refuses to play music on my laptop.  I use Knoppix, instead.  I believe that Knoppix has the best hardware detection system in the Linux community.  So it is very likely to work with your computer, but it is not as easy for beginners as is Kubuntu.
          So Knoppix can detect ur modem?
          Also Knoppix and Kanotix can be booted from USB as I can,t use my HD.
          How can I learin basic command line. I tried live CD of DSM linux and it booted well but it did not recognize my modem. I wanted to run scanModem tool from my usb stick but I could not know how to open my USM stick and how to run the tool, no way for me!


            Re: Kubuntu live CD on Toshiba Satellite M 70

            I don't know if Knoppix can detect your modem. All I know is that Knoppix has excellent hardware detection. Knoppix and Kanotix are Live CD distributions, they boot from a CD or a DVD not from a memory stick. There are many sites on the web about shell scripting. Use google/linux to find them.

            Good luck!


              Re: Kubuntu live CD on Toshiba Satellite M 70

              Thanks for the help. I am doing search on Google as well.


                Re: Kubuntu live CD on Toshiba Satellite M 70

                Originally posted by aigle
                Thanks for the help. I am doing search on Google as well.
       is pretty cool
                <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


                  Re: Kubuntu live CD on Toshiba Satellite M 70

                  Actually I am using CPX MINI and DSL.

                  In CPX MINI, when I gave command ./scanModem, it says Bad interpreter, Permission Denied( inspite i entered as su and file was having read,write and exucute permissions), any idea what is wrong here. As I told I am using CPX MINI ( a mini USB distribution based on Kanotix), so it is not exactly Kanotix I think. Anyhow i don,t know why command ./scanModem is not executed?

                  OK, now about DSL, it obeyed the command nicely and made a data file in USB that I am going to post to

                  I will be thankful if somebody can help in these questions.

                  1- Why command ./scanModem is not executed in CPX MINI.
                  2- When i give command su in DSL, it askes me password, while I never set a password, so what does it mean?
                  3- I am able to find Modem Configuration settings in DSL but I can,t find it in CPX MINI although I tried too muck. Can anybody help me how I can find. Maybe if it can recognize my modem, I might not need to install a linux driver as it seems to detect most of my hardware( very pleasant especially when u use linux on laptop).

                  I am using live CD for both.



                    Re: Kubuntu live CD on Toshiba Satellite M 70

                    2: use sudo su

                    try using
                    lspci | grep modem
                    to find the modem type
                    <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


                      Re: Kubuntu live CD on Toshiba Satellite M 70

                      Originally posted by Nirvana
                      2: use sudo su

                      try using
                      lspci | grep modem
                      to find the modem type
                      For modem I will try.

                      About sudo su complete on command or sudo and then su?



                        Re: Kubuntu live CD on Toshiba Satellite M 70

                        Thansks Nirvana! It works.

