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check on partition and mount settings

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    check on partition and mount settings


    I am confused over my install and partitioning-- I used gparted to make some changes according to a post but now I am confused about whether I have goofed-up on my mount points. I am a complete newbie to Linux, but have checked postings and a so-so publication. I am running a new home build Asus MB with on-board video, AMD 64 x2 4000, 1 gb of memory. Here is the fdisk table

    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sda1 * 1 250 2008093+ 83 Linux
    /dev/sda2 3917 7740 30716280 83 Linux
    /dev/sda3 7741 19457 94116802+ 5 Extended
    /dev/sda4 251 3916 29447145 83 Linux
    /dev/sda5 19197 19457 2096482+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris
    /dev/sda6 7741 12758 40307022 b W95 FAT32
    /dev/sda7 12759 18372 45094423+ 7 HPFS/NTFS.

    Here is the fstab table

    # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
    # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
    # /dev/sda4
    UUID=2795def6-c55e-4f12-88f9-87c6f9b082e2 / ext3 nouser,defaults,errors=remount-ro,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 1
    # /dev/sda1
    UUID=dbeef1e3-d434-42ae-9ecf-b4624a903629 /boot ext3 nouser,defaults,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 2
    # /dev/sda2
    # /dev/sda3
    /dev/sda3 none swap sw 0 0
    /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,atime,noauto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 0
    /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto user,atime,noauto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 0
    /dev/sda2 /media/sda2 ext3 nouser,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 0
    /dev/sda5 <mount\040point> swap noauto 0 0

    I would like to arrange all the mount points in /media and mount the Fat32 partition--How do I do that? Is it a problem to have the sda 4 as a mount point in /?

    here is the mount table
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda4 28G 2.3G 25G 9% /
    varrun 440M 80K 440M 1% /var/run
    varlock 440M 0 440M 0% /var/lock
    udev 440M 68K 440M 1% /dev
    devshm 440M 0 440M 0% /dev/shm
    lrm 440M 38M 402M 9% /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/volatile
    /dev/sda1 1.9G 53M 1.8G 3% /boot
    /dev/sda2 29G 173M 28G 1% /media/sda2

    Let me know how things look--I havn't transferred files to the drive yet so If a re-install is the way to go I'll do that-- it is getting a bit "out-there" ;-)



    Re: check on partition and mount settings

    A comparison may be helpful. This is how my HD is configured (sudo fdisk -l):
    Disk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Disk identifier: 0xc528b3c5
     Device Boot   Start    End   Blocks Id System
    /dev/sda1 *     1    1044  8385898+ 83 Linux
    /dev/sda2      1045    2088  8385930 83 Linux
    /dev/sda3      2089    3132  8385930 83 Linux
    /dev/sda4      3133   11226  65015055  5 Extended
    /dev/sda5      3133    5743  20972826 83 Linux
    /dev/sda6      5744    8354  20972826 83 Linux
    /dev/sda7      8355   10965  20972826 83 Linux
    /dev/sda8     10966   11226  2096451 82 Linux swap / Solaris
    and my fstab:
    Disk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Disk identifier: 0xc528b3c5
     Device Boot   Start    End   Blocks Id System
    /dev/sda1 *     1    1044  8385898+ 83 Linux
    /dev/sda2      1045    2088  8385930 83 Linux
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
    # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options>   <dump> <pass>
    proc      /proc     proc  defaults    0   0
    # /dev/sda3
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
    # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options>   <dump> <pass>
    proc      /proc     proc  defaults    0   0
    # /dev/sda3
    UUID=f6ca0eb3-83b3-461b-8cae-4809e701ea39 /       ext3  errors=remount-ro 0   1
    # /dev/sda7
    UUID=62d28f0b-82c2-483e-b0d7-e92059f35db2 /home     ext3  defaults    0   2
    # /dev/sda1
    UUID=a2357a43-de81-4157-91ff-4fe745f01a79 /media/sda1  ext3  defaults    0   2
    # /dev/sda2
    UUID=3cb6e1de-7583-47a4-b487-58f1502c63a2 /media/sda2  ext3  defaults    0   2
    # /dev/sda5
    UUID=86bf2016-0d6c-4e46-a72c-52c8a5d4901b /media/sda5  ext3  defaults    0   2
    # /dev/sda6
    UUID=47d4734a-2126-47be-97c5-283c1fa41e47 /media/sda6  ext3  defaults    0   2
    # /dev/sda8
    UUID=90d97410-ea54-40e3-8795-43ee0443df4d none      swap  sw       0   0
    /dev/scd0   /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0   0
    /dev/sdd    /media/floppy0 auto  rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0   0
    My HD is partitioned for three Kubuntu installations. I don't utilize a separate partition for /boot, choosing instead to have the root filesystem in the / (root) partition. As configured, I have three separate / partitions, three separate /home partitions, and one swap partition. Windoze is not installed as a separate OS here (I am running XP Pro within a virtual machine within two of my Kubuntu installations).
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: check on partition and mount settings

      And a good guide on partitioning here.
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: check on partition and mount settings


        Thanks for the posts! I did see that link and used an idea from it. The separate partition for boot came from the #x# book.

        I notice one of your file-systems is mounted at "/" like one of mine--not on purpose-- Is there a reason for that location rather than on "/media" ?

        I also notice that I have a fstab entry for the extended partition line, but you do not. Should I just remove it?

        I'm going to chill for the moment about the mount point of /dev/sda4 unless there is a reason to change it.


