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Monitorless Server

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    Monitorless Server

    Maybe this is better posted here as opposed to the installation forum as I am new to LINUX.


    I am determined to get this to work. I have set up the OS, set the login to autologin to my account and I have Samba installed and shaes created.

    How the heck do I get this to boot and login without a monitor attached

    Thanks in advance,


    Re: Monitorless Server

    You'' probably need a monitor/KB to get started.

    Most machines will boot headless these days, you might have to turn off KB tests.

    How do you want to interact with this box? If you set up ssh to start on boot you can ssh in from another machine. You could also set up VNC and run remotely.

    If you just want it to be a samba server and nothing else I'd go with a more basic server distribution, (k)ubuntu would be overkill IMHO.

    How do you know if you're booted if you're not interacting with it somehow, or are you just waiting for the samba shares to come up? You'll probably need to be logged in until you get your samba config set up properly.



      Re: Monitorless Server


      Thanks for the reply. I plan on using SSH to interact with the box. I successfully set up and used FreeNAS prior to this. FreeNAS is all I really need for a fileserver as it also uses FUPPES to serve files to my PS3.

      I was just up for more of a challenge. I plan on migrating to LINUX sooner or later full time. Windows XP isn't all that bad but VISTA is out of the question.

      I am also going to check one more thing when I get home as I am at work....I reset my BIOS today and fear I may have overlooked setting the hault on error to "no errors". Otherwise I have SAMBA set up with shares. In the elast I should be able to see it in XP under Network Places. I also have it set up with a static IP in my router.

      Thanks again,



        Re: Monitorless Server

        i had several server without monitor or keybord in past .. i dont see where is the problem.

        Just be sure you have ssh-server installed and you can connect to the server, and you have all you need to connect. If you need a graphical interface you can use vnc , the optimal solution is so not start the server statically, but using xinetd. this way once connected you will see kdm login screen and you have to insert username and password. it will also allow you to create as many remote desktop connection you desire, and the resources are allocated only when asked ( you will not have n servers listening all the time. xinetd start the server just when a request was made by the client)

        i did this with fedora, not kubuntu, but i found this howto, hope it helps.

