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should I give up on kubuntu ... and DVDs ?

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    should I give up on kubuntu ... and DVDs ?

    Is this possible?

    Download all the libraries and codecs and dependencies that enable DVD playback on Kaffeine -- download all of that from a windows computer with internet connection, and burn it to a CD ?

    Then take that CD to a kubuntu computer, and install from the CD, libDVDCSS2 and the codecs and everything else on the kubuntu computer that does NOT have an internet connection?

    Will I then be able to play DVDs on kubuntu?

    Re: should I give up on kubuntu ... and DVDs ?


    I am using Kubuntu 8.04 , and to get the dvd to work to have to add the following line to the list of repositories .

    deb free non free

    this will allow you to download the libcss2 file needed to use dvds.


      Re: should I give up on kubuntu ... and DVDs ?

      Is this possible?
      Absolutely. The easiest possible way to do it is to invest $US6, (or so) in a Kubuntu DVD from someplace like this.

      Alternatively, you can use your live CD to convert your Windows(TM) machine into a linux machine for a few minutes. You can then download (but not install, on the windoze [no TM] machine) a package called apt-zip. You can then use apt-zip to install everything you need. Take a look at this post.


        Re: should I give up on kubuntu ... and DVDs ?

        I like the idea of spending the $6 for the kubuntu DVD.

        That sounds like the easiest way.

        thanks, askrieger


          Re: should I give up on kubuntu ... and DVDs ?

          Hey , i have found that downloading Kubuntu and burning the iso image is very easy. Also you can click on shipit and they will send the disc to you for free. Also in my last post above , the file is libdvdcss2.
          good luck


            Re: should I give up on kubuntu ... and DVDs ?

            @savsav: You may still have to follow spicoli774's advice after you get apt-zip from the DVD. I'm not sure that the Medibuntu repos are on the DVD because of patent problems in the US, Japan and elsewhere.

