Hi I've just had this problem after installing a few programs & after some research I came up with this fix.
1. Go to ~/.config/menus and edit the applications-kmenuedit.menu file in your favourite text editor as needed.
2. Go to /var/tmp/kdecache-YourLogin/ and delete the file named ksycoca and when u reboot it will be regenerated & your kmenu should be fixed.
Edit/Update I have found this also fixes the file association bug where Konqueror/KDE forgets the changes you have made.
1. Go to ~/.config/menus and edit the applications-kmenuedit.menu file in your favourite text editor as needed.
2. Go to /var/tmp/kdecache-YourLogin/ and delete the file named ksycoca and when u reboot it will be regenerated & your kmenu should be fixed.

Edit/Update I have found this also fixes the file association bug where Konqueror/KDE forgets the changes you have made.