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Microphone not working?

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    Microphone not working?

    Hi again!

    I have a Creative Audacity 2 (OEM) sound card. I'm using what ever driver kubuntu (64-bit) picked when installing, seems to work great but... If I turn up the microphone the volume I can hear myself on my headphones but I cant find the option to set the the record source for programs to record from.

    The only apps I've tested with so far are Audacity & Teamspeak. Audacity normally has a list of record sources right of the  main UI but it's  greyed out on mine?

    Thanks for the help hope it's a easy one to answer.

    Re: Microphone not working?


    I got my record resource working on my A2 by typing alsamixer in console. When the alsamixer has loaded press F4, this will bring you into the capture page, scroll across each column using the left and right keys and use the up key to turn the volume up on the column you require to turn up. When you have finished press esc to exit.
    Try your Audacity with your microphone, you may have to go back into alsamixer to adjust the levels accordingly.
    Hope that helps I found alsamixer worked better for me to sort this issue, help it sorts your dilemna.

    PS. Just to let you know that on the first page of alsamixer if you scan across with your right key you will find mic boost, with this card I always need boost on, and in the F4 capture page lower mic level to about 65 / 70 for best results (mind thats my system yours may differ)
    There are three kinds of people in the world; those who can count and those who can't.


      Re: Microphone not working?

      Thanks alot Bukunut!!

      That's been the only thing bugging me about using linux so far.

      Had looked in alsamixer after searching about but no one ever said press F4 . Did think it would be somthing simple like that but Audacity was foxing me (still dont have any options in the drop down list).

      Thanks again, will be on TS telling my mates how great kubuntu is tonight.

