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Grub bootloader

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    Grub bootloader


    I installed Hardy Heron when it came out on my laptop as a windows XP/linux dual boot in hopes of sometime when i had a bit more free time to learn how to use the operating system more, but as of now haven't had time. Whenever i am booted into windows and want to do a clean restart(hitting the restart button on the task bar) Grub encounters Error 22 and i have to get one of my friends to go reinstall Grub(cause I'm still too new to linux). Dose anyone know why this keeps happening. i think that this is the third time i have had it happen in the time since Hardy Heron came out.


    Re: Grub bootloader

    One or two hard drives? Internal SATA drives? I'm just curious. It doesn't really matter.
    Sounds like something's wrong with the boot menu, the file called

    => Error 22 no such partition.

    In the device references (in your /boot/grub/menu.lst), that is:
    GRUB is having problems with one of the y's.
    (y = partition number, counting starts at zero; so the first partition on a hard drive corresponds to y = 0).

    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: Grub bootloader

      well i have 2 hard drives in my laptop it's an Hp pavilion dv9500 yes i realize it's a giant laptop. Yes i think they are sata drives. But like i said this problem occurs only when i cleanly restart my windows partiton, if i just mash the power button for 8 or 10 seconds it doesn't do this. Also when i got my friend to fix this we tried just reinstalling grub, but it did not fix the problem, then after about 2 hours of messing with it and about 5 more restarts the error dissapeared and i could boot it up again. yay for the switch turning from magic to more magic....


