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NDN(file manager) in Linux

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    NDN(file manager) in Linux

    I've been trying to switch to Linux from Windows XP for a long time. I had a long list of reasons/problem that didn't allow me to switch. Eventually all these problems have been resolved(thanks to the latest NVIDIA drivers, Kubuntu 8.04 and so on), expect one problem.
    I do need NDN in Linux.

    What's NDN?
    NDN(Necromancer's Dos Navigator) is a filemanger like Norton Commander or Midnight Commander. It's freeware yet non-open source software and is the last alive fork of Dos Navigator. It was originally designed for DOS and was ported to Windows later. Linux support is limited at the moment but it appears that the work is going on.
    Unlike other filemanagers, NDN has lots of features incorporated in a single program. I know it isn't the Linux Way(environment is made of lots small programs) but I've been using it since DOS, in Windows XP, and after I bought LCD I start to use it windowed mode.
    I simply can't change my ways so fast and switch to Midnight Commander.

    What's my problem with NDN?
    After some time NDN stops responding to the keyboard, mouse works, though.
    After installing Kubuntu 8.04 and the latest NDN, it got even worse: NDN crashes(runtime error 217) just after starting up.
    I know I should have asked that at the NDN forums but I don't want bother they again as the main developer isn't a Linux user.
    My question are: Do you have the same problems? If not, why do I have the problems then?

    Re: NDN(file manager) in Linux

    never heard of the program, actually, and kubuntu users of it are probably few and far between I would think. I couldn't quickly even figure out how to run it . But do not be afraid of asking in NDN's forums. There may be someone with your same problem, and the developer(s) won't know if something is broken if there is no one asking

    Most likely, as it is closed-source and pre-compiled, there is something either kernel-specific or perhaps a system library difference between Kubuntu and whatever was used to compile NDN's binaries. One thing to try, from a quick tour of their forums, is to actually try a different linux terminal program. Kubuntu uses Konsole, but there are others. xterm is one, and eterm is another.both are 'simpler' and may work better for you.

    have you actually tried midnight commander? it may have the features you are looking for, despite what the NDN site says or perhaps Vi or emacs might better suit your needs?


      Re: NDN(file manager) in Linux

      I actually went so far as downloading the Linux version from their website. Had to install unrar first, as the program is in a .rar package. That said, after downloading, I opened it with Ark and looked inside. No README or other such file with installation instructions. Hmm. But I noted that there were no specific paths either. So, I created a folder in my /home folder and extracted the contents to it. There are files identified as executable when viewed in Konqueror - ndn being one - but from a konsole, and in the folder I extracted the package to, none of the 'executable' files carry the executable flag. Typing ndn does absolutely nothing. Hmm.

      The homepage also doesn't have any useful help about how to install or run the program under Linux. All in all, not a very enlightening experience. :P

      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: NDN(file manager) in Linux

        Thanks for the responses.

        NDN package is a self-extracting archive(I know it's a strange choice of them). After unpacking I have to set the "executable" flag for NDN so I can run it. It doesn't require installation and it doesn't matter where to place it.

        But it crashes for me even though it didn't before. It used to work when I was running Kubuntu 7.10, 64-bit but I couldn't use it anyway because it would stop responding to the keyboard after a few minutes since starting up.
        Now I'm using Kubuntu 8.04, 32-bit and it crashes on startup in konsole, xterm and hangs up in TTY(CTRL+ALT+F1).

        I didn't know the reason why it stopped working so I asked it here first to see if it's kubuntu related. I think I'm going to ask it at the NDN forums as well.

        I tried Midnight Commander and use it for now even though I very miss lots features of NDN so it takes more time and attention to do my usual routine in Linux. I know that after I learn Midnight Commander, i can make a better use of it but it's not as universal as NDN anyway. I particular miss: Syntax Highlight, integrated(viewer/editor/filemanager) search tool with regexp support, multi window/desktop support, using several lots of small features together I could do difficult things easily, this is why I feel helpless in MC.


          Re: NDN(file manager) in Linux

          Keep in mind, that the Linux version, according to their website is in development. I just finished extracting the Linux package (ndn_2_15_4000_lnx.rar) into its own separate folder in my /home directory. I set the file ndn to executable, but that doesn't accomplish a thing. Trying to execute it within the konsole doesn't work. Just added it to K Menu and it also doesn't do anything there.
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: NDN(file manager) in Linux

            Okay, after a bunch of Google searching, I decided to checkout the muxe forum ( and found these comments in one of the posts;
            hello I'm a large friend of the NDN, I uses DN since 1996 - 2000
            then i moved to linux and work with md - midnight commander
            in year 2000 i've contact a ndn coder and asked when ndn ported to
            linux. 2000 i've supported a german ndn website ""...
            today after 4 years i've found the linux version, and try at this time but
            does not work

            1. i extract rar archive with unrar under windows (dosen't work unp (linux unpak)
            2. i change file permissions "chmod 700 ndn"
            3. i start ./ndn
            4. ndn starts... but with some moved tables
            and this reply:
            you must have a screen setup of 80x25 like the DOS/WINDOWS standard

            i have to fix this issue, but at the moment i dont have the time for it.
            later NDN will set the screenmode on linux like it does in DOS/WIN
            (my underlining for emphasis)

            This caused me to ponder. So, I extracted the contents of the ndn_2_15_4000_lnx.rar again, changed the ndn file to executable (chmod 700 nnd) and then, changed the konsole size to 80x25 (default setting is 80x24). Typed:
            and viola, ndn is running! Haven't done any more than that, but you might compare your steps to this.

            To 'test the theory' that the size of the konsole is critical, I started another konsole, which by default, is sized to 80x24. Typing ./ndn did launch the application, but was not useable - the mouse navigation affected none of the menu items. Had to end the session to get out. So, it seems that a konsole size of 80x25 is critical.

            There do appear to be 'issues' with aspects of the program. If one uses the mouse only, or the F-keys to access/navigate, all seems to be okay. Trying to use the short-cut navigation keys however, leads to 'problems?' But otherwise, the program appears to work.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: NDN(file manager) in Linux

              I wasn't aware of mouse problems and it isn't important for me as I don't usually use mouse in NDN.

              The problems is, I recently made a clean install(Kubuntu 8.04) and since then NDN crashes.
              Runtime error 217 at B7F7B410 (Exception C0060000) TID=1.
              Locking assertion failure. Backtrace:
              #0 /usr/lib/ [0xb7f69767]
              #1 /usr/lib/ [0xb7f6981e]
              #2 /usr/lib/ [0xb7d4d518]
              #3 /usr/lib/ [0xb7d299d6]
              #4 /usr/lib/ [0xb7d22f2f]
              #5 ./ndn [0x50b5cc]
              #6 ./ndn [0x5080a2]
              #7 ./ndn [0x5068a7]
              #8 ./ndn [0x50f23f]
              #9 ./ndn [0x50a8b4]
              #10 [0xb7f7b420]
              #11 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ [0xb7e46a01]
              #12 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ [0xb7e3e10e]
              #13 /usr/lib/ [0xb7d4d324]
              #14 /usr/lib/ [0xb7d4d4fd]
              #15 /usr/lib/ [0xb7d4e200]
              #16 /usr/lib/ [0xb7d3c139]
              #17 ./ndn [0x50b627]
              #18 ./ndn [0x509460]
              #19 ./ndn [0x414327]
              ndn: ../../src/xcb_lock.c:77: _XGetXCBBuffer: Assertion `((int) ((xcb_req) - (dpy->request)) >= 0)' failed.
              Runtime error 217 at B7F7B410 (Exception C0060000) TID=1.


                Re: NDN(file manager) in Linux

                Hi everyone.

                I am the author of NDN.
                I found this post by accident and I am very interested in solving these issues.

                If you don't mind helping me I would appreciate it a lot.

                First of all I always recommend to use the latest beta version.
                2.15.4000 was the last so called non-beta release, but in fact the beta releases
                since that day are much more advanced and stable, current version is 2.31.1279.

                Yes, you should set "ndn" as executable.
                Writing an installation makefile to automate this is already on my todo list...
                And I agree that a little readme.1st is a good idea.

                Btw, the size of the screen should not matter anymore, as long as you stay under a
                certain limit like 200*100 or something (which is not really usable anyway...).

                For a start I would like to know if there are any problems when running NDN in a real console?
                There should be no keyboard/mouse problems.

                X is a total different matter. I know that there are issues querying mouse and keyboard
                data from the xserver. But, last time I tried to fix this, I didn't get anywhere.

                Maybe it would help if I'd donwload the Kubuntu distro.

                So long,
                Stefan / AH


                  Re: NDN(file manager) in Linux

                  Thanks for your time. I'm willing to help to track the problem down at my best.

                  The crash problem was first introduced in Kubuntu 8.04 and I think it's reproducible.
                  Here is a link to the bug. I tried that was suggested there but nothing helped.

                  Description of the current problem with NDN.
                  1. It crashes in konsole, xterm dumping the backtrace(see my previous post).
                  2. It doesn't work in TTY. I can only type in black screen. It looks like there is a loop of "readln".
                  3. It works if I boot in recovery mode but I can't use ALT key. If I press 'ALT+S', it'll just put 'S'
                  in the command line.


                    Re: NDN(file manager) in Linux

                    Hi again.

                    I have downloaded Kubuntu 8.04 (Standard Desktop CD, i386) and tried NDN with it.
                    Btw, I have only tried the LIVE-CD feature, I didn't install it on my HD, and personally
                    I use Ubuntu 6.06, where NDN runs quite well.

                    These are my first findings:

                    1. NDN does work in TTY, probably the same effect as you have when running in recovery mode.
                    Always run NDN with SUDO, else there will be no hardware/screen access (vcsa, IO).

                    Can you post your "env" output here?

                    2. Color problems in TTY, probably have to add different color mapping routines.

                    3. There's no decent font provided for NDN DOS/WINDOWS compatibility, like CP-850 or something.
                    I will try to use the Ub6.06 ones.

                    4. Crash in X. I will investigate this further.

                    As a little note:
                    I am using X in 2 threads, and I know that this should be avoided.
                    A proposed solution (back when I first added this) is/was to call XInitThreads().
                    But, obviously, this doesn't seem to work, and, now that I searched again for this
                    issue and error, I found a text on some website which said that this function
                    is buggy and unstable, depending on the distro etc...

                    This is really annoying, but I think I can solve this by using internal mutexes/semaphores.

                    Maybe this will fix the remaining X problems.

                    Ok, enough for now, I will post again when I worked on above problems.

                    All the best,
                    Stefan / AH

                    PS: Maybe you want to post your future probems to the NDN forum?
                    PPS: would ndn.sfx be a better solution than ndn.exe?

