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Infected, or just paranoid?

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    Infected, or just paranoid?


    I'm using the 64bit version of 8.04. Pretty much on a whim I started looking at what I could do for security, even though I didn't really think I needed it. I installed Firestarter, Bastille, and Rootkit Hunter, and set them up in that order.

    When I ran Rootkit Hunter, it showed several warnings i the following files.

    Performing file properties checks
    Checking for prerequisites

    It didn't say what was wrong with them, they just had a warning next to them. Should I be worried? And, if so, what should I do?


    Re: Infected, or just paranoid?

    dunno about rootkit hunter, but i use chkrootkit ( available in default repository)

    install them and run it ( as root or using sudo). i got this:

    root@kronos:~# chkrootkit
    ROOTDIR is `/'
    Checking `amd'... not found
    Checking `basename'... not infected
    Checking `biff'... not found
    Checking `chfn'... not infected
    Checking `chsh'... not infected
    Checking `cron'... not infected
    Checking `crontab'... not infected
    Checking `date'... not infected
    Checking `du'... not infected
    Checking `dirname'... not infected
    Checking `echo'... not infected
    Checking `egrep'... not infected
    Checking `env'... not infected
    Checking `find'... not infected
    Checking `fingerd'... not found
    Checking `gpm'... not found
    Checking `grep'... not infected
    Checking `hdparm'... not infected
    Checking `su'... not infected
    Checking `ifconfig'... not infected
    Checking `inetd'... not infected
    Checking `inetdconf'... not infected
    Checking `identd'... not found
    Checking `init'... not infected
    Checking `killall'... not infected
    Checking `ldsopreload'... not infected
    Checking `login'... not infected
    Checking `ls'... not infected
    Checking `lsof'... not infected
    Checking `mail'... not infected
    Checking `mingetty'... not found
    Checking `netstat'... not infected
    Checking `named'... not found
    Checking `passwd'... not infected
    Checking `pidof'... not infected
    Checking `pop2'... not found
    Checking `pop3'... not found
    Checking `ps'... not infected
    Checking `pstree'... not infected
    Checking `rpcinfo'... not infected
    Checking `rlogind'... not found
    Checking `rshd'... not found
    Checking `slogin'... not infected
    Checking `sendmail'... not infected
    Checking `sshd'... not infected
    Checking `syslogd'... not infected
    Checking `tar'... not infected
    Checking `tcpd'... not infected
    Checking `tcpdump'... not infected
    Checking `top'... not infected
    Checking `telnetd'... not found
    Checking `timed'... not found
    Checking `traceroute'... not found
    Checking `vdir'... not infected
    Checking `w'... not infected
    Checking `write'... not infected
    Checking `aliens'... no suspect files
    Searching for sniffer's logs, it may take a while... nothing found
    Searching for HiDrootkit's default dir... nothing found
    Searching for t0rn's default files and dirs... nothing found
    Searching for t0rn's v8 defaults... nothing found
    Searching for Lion Worm default files and dirs... nothing found
    Searching for RSHA's default files and dir... nothing found
    Searching for RH-Sharpe's default files... nothing found
    Searching for Ambient's rootkit (ark) default files and dirs... nothing found
    Searching for suspicious files and dirs, it may take a while...
    Searching for LPD Worm files and dirs... nothing found
    Searching for Ramen Worm files and dirs... nothing found
    Searching for Maniac files and dirs... nothing found
    Searching for RK17 files and dirs... nothing found
    Searching for Ducoci rootkit... nothing found
    Searching for Adore Worm... nothing found
    Searching for ****C Worm... nothing found
    Searching for Omega Worm... nothing found
    Searching for Sadmind/IIS Worm... nothing found
    Searching for MonKit... nothing found
    Searching for Showtee... nothing found
    Searching for OpticKit... nothing found
    Searching for T.R.K... nothing found
    Searching for Mithra... nothing found
    Searching for OBSD rk v1... /usr/lib/security
    Searching for LOC rootkit... nothing found
    Searching for Romanian rootkit... nothing found
    Searching for Suckit rootkit... nothing found
    Searching for Volc rootkit... nothing found
    Searching for Gold2 rootkit... nothing found
    Searching for TC2 Worm default files and dirs... nothing found
    Searching for Anonoying rootkit default files and dirs... nothing found
    Searching for ZK rootkit default files and dirs... nothing found
    Searching for ShKit rootkit default files and dirs... nothing found
    Searching for AjaKit rootkit default files and dirs... nothing found
    Searching for zaRwT rootkit default files and dirs... nothing found
    Searching for Madalin rootkit default files... nothing found
    Searching for Fu rootkit default files... nothing found
    Searching for ESRK rootkit default files... nothing found
    Searching for rootedoor... nothing found
    Searching for ENYELKM rootkit default files... nothing found
    Searching for anomalies in shell history files... nothing found
    Checking `asp'... not infected
    Checking `bindshell'... not infected
    Checking `lkm'... chkproc: nothing detected
    Checking `rexedcs'... not found
    Checking `sniffer'... lo: not promisc and no packet sniffer sockets
    eth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3[6467], /sbin/wpa_supplicant[6519], /sbin/dhclient3[6579])
    Checking `w55808'... not infected
    Checking `wted'... chkwtmp: nothing deleted
    Checking `scalper'... not infected
    Checking `slapper'... not infected
    Checking `z2'... chklastlog: nothing deleted


      Re: Infected, or just paranoid?

      What was the warning?

      or just [warn] after the file name?

      To be sure run chkrootkit as well, then post back.

      You could check the md5sums from the original deb files and what is installed. and ideally give a link to /var/log/rkhunter.log (it may be a bit big to post in full, or you could edit down the applicable sections)

      Just to add, I got a rootkit about 8 years ago on a linux box, contacted through installing some software from source I acquired from a web site that was not the projects own. I noticed by seeing a couple of extra users that I never added. As it was a test machine I nuked the installation from orbit, but it taught me to trust where I install software from, even on Linux.


        Re: Infected, or just paranoid?

        Thanks guys.

        I ran chkrootkit and it came up clean. The warning from Rootkit Hunter was just the word "warning" after the file name, but I found the Rootkit Hunter log, and the MD5s didn't match.

        I haven't noticed any strange behavior though. I wonder if it could be a result of Bastille changing some file permissions, but I don't remember what files it changed, and I'm not sure why changing permissions would change the actual file.

        Well...I'll keep looking.


          Re: Infected, or just paranoid?

          If you are looking for something to scan for changed files, tripwire has been a skin-saver for me in the past. Of course in your case, the changes have already been made so installing and running it now won't help you at this juncture. Just an idea looking forward.

          Good luck with your hunt.


